The Wild West
I drew these guys while trying to put together my "wanted" poster, but they didn't seem like criminals, so they became abandoned concepts instead. They were about to become part of my giant stack of discarded sketches when I noticed that the two drawings kind of fit together side-by-side. So this scene doesn't make sense because it was never meant to be a scene. All the same, here's some "forced sense" for it:While the older gentleman on the left is trying to figure out why he has fewer fingers on his left hand than everyone else in town, the guy on the right stares in hat-floating amazement at the remains of a man who was born with his head upside down. Anatomy... not a popular subject in the Wild West... or for me.
ooooo I loved how this turned out Shane!! Always kik ass work sir
Youre my hero
awesome. Since finger amputation is close to my heart, I noticed his lack of digits immediately. The guy on the left is incredible. his pose and expression are perfect.
You need to do a whole series of these guys. They seem like they would fit into a sequel for the Apple Dumpling Gang. Terrific work!
great work!
Nice, looks like a shot out of a 2D animated movie, I am so glad I still remember what those look like.
it looks to me like the skull just dropped in his hand out of the for the other dude, he must have been photoshopped in or he would've been a little more surprised too. amen as for the apple dumpling gang concept..
other than a nasty headache, I feel much better today-thanks! ")
Even your discarded sketches are stunning. Their expressions are priceless!... as is your explanation of their emotionally charged exchange. Fabulous work as always.
hahaha incredible! I digg the story. And the characters rock! Esp the one with 'hat-floating amazement' haha
Cowboy Shakespeare. Brilliant!
hahaha ;)
oh! and, ryan is right! the apple dumplin' gang would be a fabulous series for you to do ~ i know i'd love it! :) YAY!
I see your still stuck in the Pinocchio color scheme ;) amazing work Shane! The spectator on the left is one of your best yet; he has alot of life to him! Whatever your doing to keep on advancing this much, KEEP IT UP!
You mentioned a giant stack of discarded sketches. Sometimes those are the most fun to look at. Could you please post all of those sketches sometime? Pretty please?
ROFLOL! So funny. It's been a rough couple of weeks at the White house...and I have seriously missed keeping up with your blog. It's definitely a breath of fresh air! Love the drawings!
I like that he's letting out a mustache-curling scream.
I picture the guy on the left saying, "That boy aint right, aint he."
"It aint fair. He needs to either give me that hat, or give me that hair. Even that mustache would make a great toupe."
The expressions are great! Wonderful work Shane!
These are great! I dunno where you find the time for all this great artwork, but keep it up.
Fabulous gestures... It feels like it's moving, which is the mark of an expert cartoonist. Wow, I need to start checking your blog out more often!
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