John Denver
Hey, everyone... I like John Denver! Yeah, that's right... and I'm not ashamed of it. Out of the 6,721 songs on my iPod, John Denver sings 239 of them. I even broke up with a girl once because she said she hated John Denver. That wasn't the only reason I broke up with her... I just knew that someone that unstable would probably eventually claim that babies are ugly and ice cream is gross.Even if you don't like him or his music, you can't argue that John Denver's the coolest person who was ever born with the last name "Deutschendorf." Sunshine on his shoulders made him happy. Guest appearances and Christmas specials with the Muppets made him a star.
I as well LOVE John Denver. How could you drive through Yellowstone without him in the background. Cool picture Shane! I'm proud that you're my retarded brother!
Your caricature of John is spot on!! It fills up my senses.
I'm right there with you Shane; I love John Denver too, and proud of it. Rocky Mountain high indeed!!! This drawing is brilliant!
i'm not the biggest john denver fan but rocky mountain high is a nice song...and i enjoyed his appearances on the muppet show and him matching wits with george burns in that oh god movie!
that caricature is awesome! GREAT BLOG!
I LOve HIm!!!! My older sister cried a lot when he died. Since my name is Anne, i always thought that Annie's song was for me. He puts me in a great does Neil Diamond!
hahah great likeness Mr Shane!
His music is definately one to relax by. I've always appreciated that aspect of his work. I've only got his Greatest Hits-- but it's got all my favorite songs of his. Needless to say, I'm a bit shy of 239. And of course anyone who stars with the Muppets is a star in my book. Hilarious illustration Shane. Looks just like 'im!
Honestly, I do like his music too! But then again, folk is great.
Nice job, Shane! He kinda looks like a Muppet.
I knew instantly who it was when I saw the drawing -my sister always called him her husband and cried for a month after he died. I just like him. The first two cd's I ever bought was John Denver and Mama's and Papa's. "far out!"
Great caricature. I also love John Denver. Way under rated singer songwriter.
Aw, this makes me happy :)
There is a guy in Cache Valley that looks JUST like John Denver. In fact, I thought you used him as your model. Kip Farmer doesn't even know he's famous. Great caricature!
Fabulous pic Shane - really great!
Oooh..major John Denver fan here too! And that drawing....SO AWESOME. Love the shaggy hair! ;-) *sigh* I miss John Denver.
This is a great portrait of a high school math teacher I once had. She would be flattered that you drew her. But it works equally as well as John Denver. Nice work. Very sunny.
I really like it but I wouldn't complain if it had some muppets doing a little sing along in the background.
What a great drawing! I love John Denver too. I think we dated in high school once. But I broke up with him because he didn't like Cat Stevens. jk(that didn't make any sense whatsoever) Really though besides "Give Said The Little Stream", my first 3 songs I learned on the guitar were from that guy, Mr. Denver that is.
NICE!!! Now i have album art for my plethora of John Denver mixes on CD! Seriously though, John Denver sounds A LOT like my Father who passed away 9 years ago. Every time i hear him sing I hear my Dad. Love the Denver!!!
I regret never leaving a comment for this guy on Toon Club. He's such a creepy, muppet-y version of John Denver; yet also a very reverent homage. I'm not sure how you pulled it off, but this one ties with Buster Bluth as your greatest caricature.
I love John Denver. I grew up listening to him on 8-track playing in my dad's '74 Ford Bronco...that was orange I might add. (Not many of those around these days). I have so many favorite songs of his I can't name them all, and surely I'm not afraid to admit it! Your work is great, and I love your new 2008 calendar on Zazzle. You always capture so many neat expressions. Keep're a pro at it.
My B.F. loves Neil Diamond and gets upset if I cringe while he serenades the dog and me.
Your illustration rocks! Umm, soft rock, that is.
I love John Denver and your wonderful tribute to him...I miss his Muppet Christmas Specials.
yeah for john denver and the muppets! where have the good times gone??
Sunshine on my shoulder is my favorite John Denver song!
We all listened to him growing up in the Rockies!
Awesome stuff! SeƱor Denver was a goodfella. A nice guy, I mean. Not a gangster.
Great illustration! You've really caricatured John Denver well! Great colors, pose and expression. Love it!
OK I must admit I am not much of a fan of John's music but I truely do admire someone who would make so many appearances on the Muppet Show. He really seemed like a great guy. Your characature is perfect. Nice illo.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now, i gotta say, i was NOT expecting this subject for homage from you...totally caught me off guard but in the most excellent way! WOW! john denver! my kids think he IS a muppet! had such a crush on him in OH GOD. yeah, there. i said it. he was like a grown up oliver from the brady bunch. that floppy head.
perfect likeness and is it me? do i hear a rushing stream? chipmunks twittering? :DDD
Great drawing of Bob. I have found memories of being a kid listening to his records and watching Oh, God. Thanks for the flashback.
Take me home~~ country road~~ A compulsory song to sing when camping.
Great caricature. Your style is spotless.
I adore John Denver
an under rated gem
Lovely illustration mate
It is not possible to drive from Colorado Springs, through Ouray and Telluride to Durango via the Maroon Bells and not play John Denver continuously!
Great portrait! Reminds me rather of the fab Grossman cartoon that was used for the cover article on JD for the December 76 edition of Newsweek.Only yours is way better!
I've loved John Denver since I was 9,so it's always nice to find fellow fans on the net.
One more thing-is the guy who posted here about JD sounding like his father who died 9 yrs ago actually John Denver's son? His name is Zach too,and it's 9 yrs from the date of his post that JD died.
If it is,pls know Zach-many people all over the world loved your Dad,not just Americans.
If not,excuse my assumptions and Greetings from Australia.
Awesome drawing, Shane! I love John Denver too and I would be thrilled to find a boyfriend that loved him as much as I did. Seems to me as though that's all that's needed for a happy relationship. (Course, I could be wrong, but I can admit that, which, incidentally is another trait of a successful relationship, lol.) I'm not hitting on you since I do have a boyfriend, but feel free to contact me if you want to be JD friends. Maybe someday we'll meet at that big JD concert in the sky. ;)
Brightest Blessings,
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