Friday, November 03, 2006

The Narwhalrus

I've heard that there are some animals that live so deep in the ocean that we'll never see them or even know they exist. But if we'll never know they exist, how do we know they exist? That thought just gave me a headache, like when I try to do math.

The Narwhalrus, whose existence will never be disproved, is the only animal that sports both a stash of food and a 'stache of gorgeous, flowing handlebar. Why aren't there more animals that carry a skewer of future meals on their heads? How primitive are we with our grocery bags and "take out" boxes? Something for evolution to consider.


Casey said...

Imagine the grill you could put on those teeth.

flipstudios said...

your stories and designs often rival each other, but today my friend the design shines through. your stories are so funny that i sometimes forget to click in the image and really appreciate the drawing. not today. the composition is excellent and your colors are amazing. especially your use of light. 5 well dones.

Todd Oman said...

that is a great design, I love the contrast of sizes (giant teeth and moustache, small eyes and flippers. The character is very appealing to looks at.

Audrey said...

So clever. I always wondered that myself. Like how they say that in deep space, our universe ends somewhere and begins something else. How cool...but who's going to imagine what's there? You're a great philososuar.

afroman said...

this looks fantastic. love the lighting.

m said...

hahaha, I feel so sorry for the fish. Nice illustration.

sarah said...

Ooo, I could just a skewer like that on my head. I'd put peanut butter sandwiches on it :)

Awesome drawing too!

Unknown said...

this is a fine creature. Im gonna start wearing my food cause this guy makes it look regal, and I need that in my life

Your words are as entertaining as the pics. Always great fun comin here. Better than goin to the movies

Unknown said...

Your animal illos ROCK!! WIcked fun and coool!

Jed Henry said...

deep, Shane. deep. I like to keep a sandwich in my pocket.

Jason said...

Nicely done. He's got such weight. The coloring really adds to the effect of him floatin' there. Great job! Dig the turkey too.

Ben Reynolds said...

HAHAHAHAA!!!! Awesome art + Awesome comedy = I love this blog.

Karalenn Hippen said...

You are too funny. I always love checking in and seeing what you have on your blog. I'll bet there are the lazy Narwhalruses who swim around and swipe other's hard caught skewed fish. That might make a great sport for them or Thanksgiving tradition or something.

Adrian Ropp said...

I love it! What design! What color! What excellent prose! Your already incredible art keeps improving with each post!

By the way, how the crud does this poor soul get the fish off his "horn"? Evolution, my eye! Harumph!

Emma said...

This is great! This is just about the 'noblest' picture I have ever seen. I like how the moustache trails majestically behind... a very funny drawing.