If you're going to be stranded in a tub at sea, I figure the worst company you could ask for is a butcher and a baker... especially if you're dumb enough to provide them with a means to cook you.
Farewell, Candlestick Maker... I barely drew thee.
Hahahahaha! Oh, should I be laughing at this? Really disturbing. Okay, and funny too.
They look so happy to be eating such a small meal.
hahaha Great colour and creative idea Shane!
hahahhahah this is so fantastic!! You are the man!
This seriously made me laugh out loud. If I ever got a tatoo I think I would get this my chest.
wow and you thought jeds speedo fest was sick haha look at this!!!
funny!! freat characters once again
Mr. Lewis, I freaking love your style!
Hey, this is very cool!
Love it!
Bwahahahaha! Reminds me of the Stephen King short story "Survivor Type" about the med student lost at sea who resorts to amputation/canibalism as long as he can. Awesome pic!
my only question is that after the candlestick maker
WHOS NEXT!!! lol dont think the baker can unseat that butcher. great idea and illo
Great illo and the "I barely drew thee" just as great!
LOL! very funny! made me laugh right here at the computer!
Oh, my gosh, this is hysterical. Poor candlestick maker.
I love a good sense of humor! Not only are you witty, but you're a good artist to boot! Cheers!
I love it love it love it! Awesome idea. The baker looks quite content though, considering I bet he's up next! Doubt I'd be able to over power that butcher.
I really like your picture. It is so cool that you are a story board artist. That is what I always wanted to be. My husband and I are starting up our own animation company and I get to do all of the story boards. I think it would be really cool to do story boards for an already established company.
I LOVE this! And I love how the big dude holds his hands "just so" in anticipation. Great job!
Oh my God, it looks funny, but poor man! :)) great indeed!
Not only is the art "well done," but the artist is quite punny.
Your a very strange man Shane. A delightful person, but a strange man. Love the characters or what's left of them.
Am I comment no. 20? I love even numbers!
Gaads it's dimented. I love it!
hey there!
awesome characterization, i love your art, so glad i found your blog ;)
Your butcher looks like Lazer Wolf from "Fiddler on the Roof"... and he should definitely know the hind quarters are not kosher.
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