Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Google Searches

I drew this for Toon Club's Favorite Cartoon Villains topic, but then I changed my mind because it looked too much like the screen cap I used for reference. I figured I'd post it on here anyway for the unfortunate people who Google "Headless Horse Man" and end up at my circus freak.

Through my
site meter I'm able to track how people arrive at my blog. I'm amazed at what people are searching for... and amazed that it brings them here. These are some of my recent favorites:
  • Are soft couches good?
  • Zombie Cruise
  • Where to buy Cheetos in Hamburg
  • Chipmunks, how it eats
  • When you are afraid of sharks, how you called that phobia
  • What do cheetahs do?

I like how some people apparently ask Google questions instead of just searching key words. "Dear Google... what do cheetah's do?" A poorly worded search such as that can yield poor results full of inaccurate information. Next time try something simple like "cheetah behavior." But since you're already here: cheetahs sleep, sit, run, stand, walk, eat, lie down, breed, hunt, blink, yawn, and die.

And as long as I'm responding to Google searches... a couch is only as wonderful as it is soft. Zombie cruises are currently unavailable because zombies are more interested in inflicting property damage than they are in playing shuffleboard at sea. Twelve years ago you could get peanut butter and root beer at Karstadt in Hamburg... they might have Cheetos. "Chipmunks" is the plural form of "chipmunk." Therefore, it's impossible to answer how "it" eats because chipmunks are "they." Nice riddle, though. And Selachophobia is how I called when I am afraid of sharks.


  1. You have one of the most eclectic and oddly searched blogs I know... Of course, everything you just wrote on this post will now only deepen your google search capacity. Reading through your google searches you can find the most revealing things... After I read this I looked at my sitemeter, and found out what "brandon nevarez has been arrested for". HOw that linked to my site is beyond me. I don't even have a drawing of Brandon Nevarez on a unicycle.

    Wonderful horseman, what are it's name?

  2. This is hilarious. I hope you answer google questions more often. I just about shot the water I was drinking out my nose when I read the last sentence. Nice work. Keep up the useless information! I love it.

  3. ROFLOL! Seriously laughing that YOU actually spent a little time googling in order to answer all of those bizarre questions. LOL! At least I HOPE you googled it. If you know all of that stuff, I'm a titch worried. And according to you, sounds like Cheetahs are pretty much like humans. ;-) Oooh..and I remember how valuable that little American section was at Karstadt. How I ever justified paying 20-30 DM for a package of Oreos is beyond me....especially when it's washed down with a 10 DM can of Root Beer. Oh..and mom says hi. (She actually said HI a few weeks ago...but I forgot. Oops.)

  4. Holy crap. Those are some funny questions! People usually find my blog looking for "Ryan Wood" or "Artists who are cooler than Sam" I don't know why my blog comes up with either of those searches.

  5. This is some of the funniest stuff you have ever written. =)

  6. you really should consider being a stand up comic ;)

  7. Great Stuff very funny. Unfortunitly I think someone was trying to lookup how chipmunk tastes and the answer to that is just like chicken.

  8. This is great stuff, Shane. You are a legitimate phenomenon. Very funny, and I really like the drawing, too.

  9. shane, it's always nice to read your posts. I always, always laugh. You, sir, are going to do some really funny work in your career. And people will like you at parties.

  10. ma and alex were talkin about this post yesterday and how funny it is. THe pic is grand and your ability to bring smiles is a true gift!

  11. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ah ah ah ah ahah ah ahah ahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh.

  12. I just finished reading your blog as a bedtime story for Ash. You'll be happy to know that she fell right asleep... after laughing a lot of course.

  13. Where have I been? I can't believe I haven't caught up on your blog for the past few weeks. This one was too funny! I read it twice. Villains, grammar, googling, one of my favorites ever. I really don't know how you know how to be so funny, but I'm glad you are. Unless of course we moved to Utah someday because Seth and I would probably hang out with you and Lindy all the time and then I would have to be quiet, because I never know how to talk around funny people. They amaze me and make me very jealous. So if we ever do hook up at Disneyland again and you find me being extra quiet it just means your probably being extra funny.

  14. hey. i just happened to stumble across your blogs through a google search i was doing and as i was reading your blogs, i found the "google searches" bits to be some of my favorites.... it was then that i realized how i came to be on your site in the first place...


    ill b back to justify my search later...
