Friday, February 16, 2007

Tortoise vs Hare

A while ago I downloaded "Texas Hold 'Em" to my cell phone. I use my phone more for that game than I do for talking to people. So far I've won 1240 tournaments and 42 world championships. I would calculate how much time I've wasted, but the results would be depressing... and my only calculator is on my phone, and I'm not about to waste valuable battery time on a boring calculator.

I've learned a lot from playing cell phone poker:
1 - There is no money in cell phone poker, but you don't lose any either.
2 - Don't ever go "all in" on a "7-high."
3 - It's very difficult but not impossible to bluff a cell phone.

This is my version of
The Tortoise and the Hare. I'm not sure why I put a casino spin on it. I lived in Las Vegas when I was a kid, so maybe gambling is still in my blood, or at least in my blue Col-erase pencil.


  1. The first step to overcoming is admitting your have an addiction.

    Religiously I wonder what the church standing is on animal gambling? I mean really, the money they lose doesn't hurt anyone. It's not like they have kids back home eagerly awaiting dad to come home with the weekly paycheck so they can go out and get a bite. Animals are either taken care of like pets or out foraging, either way gambling only cuts into their free time and house up-keep.

    Actually maybe it does cause distress. I have seen a number of birds fly right into windows, and then tumble to the ground deader than dead. Maybe these birds had gambling problems, had been in and out of treatment programs and just couldn't shake the habit. Ultimately what you gonna do. Flying into a window does end the addiction.

    Which brings up another question. What is the church's stance on pet suicide? Hmmmm.

  2. You're amazing Shane. 'Nuff said. Not just funny, but gorgeous.

    Oh, and Kelly-- you're a deep thinkin' man. I envy you.

  3. I'm funny AND gorgeous?! Thanks, Ken. I see Kelly's off of his medication... or on a new one. Good points, though. Thanks for the comments.

  4. I absolutely love this one shane! Bravo!!

  5. It is time for you to take those skills to Vegas.

  6. From your description and excellent performance I'm guessing the hare represents the cell phone in this scenario. I'm impressed with the drawing, but even more with your hold 'em cell phone accolades.

  7. Fantastic! I love the lighting in this piece - the characters in shadow look great! Top stuff!

  8. Sounds like the same problem my boyfriend has...I'm sure there's a group with a 12 step program you can join to release you from the hold your cell has over you. Or not, whatever works.

    I love the little antlers on the deer, and the monocle on the bear! I was in Vegas for the first time a few weeks ago and didn't see anyone look quite so dashing.

  9. Alright.. I had a similar obsession with cell phone bowling. See, I know it's not nearly as exciting as poker, but I did manage to make it an awesome past-time. Here's what I discovered: It's rigged. When you score a strike, you can always count on having four pins remaining on your next bowl.

  10. Awesome! this is a great picture. One suggestion, you could give the bear a lowcut coctail dress and called this a scene from Casino Royale with animals. It just came to me, so I thought I would throw it out there.

  11. The turtle reminds me of Ben Kingsley. He may be little, but he can be MEAN. Great stuff, Shane!

  12. great. now i have vegas fever all over again! thanks shane, thanks a lot!

    sweet illo, btw! ;)

    why is it always the short, bald men who have such huge piles of chips at their side? oh, and, i really like david's casino royale idea! you have to admit, there's always at least a cocktail waitress around a poker table! :)

  13. Great piece, Shane! Those animal thugs lurking in the background need their own painting now. Who are they?

  14. This is awesome man...friggin hilarious.

  15. hahahaha. Lol!! what an expression!!! very nice one :).

  16. Turtles are good at playing shell games too.

    Love the mood set by lighting. And contrasts, like the lonely bunny set against the Turtleshark and his posse. Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids!

    This illustration is a perfect example of how a picture is worth a thousand words.

    (Hey, in a previous job I did animation through another company for Disney myself. Nice to see your work!)

  17. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. :-) Nice drawing!

  18. Great depth, looks almost like a 3d rendering. Great concept, I love your take on the subject. Great look on the turtle, he's dominating and has the winnings to show it. This is great. I'll have to check out the rest of your stuff.....

  19. Great scene! I love their expressions and the effect you created with the light.

  20. Wow! very funny illo... I love the winner expression ;)

  21. great expression, great anology, great technique- just a great all around piece. cheers...

  22. incredible! love the lighting!

  23. I saw the turtle cheat!!!!! :))))

  24. Beautiful work - the staging, the lighting, the characters - all top notch. Nice!

  25. What a great story that you are telling. Awesome illustration.

  26. wow. such brilliant lighting!!! i want to see what happens next!!

  27. This is so wonderfully expressive. Just great.

  28. Great image! I love your character!

  29. This is one of the best pieces EVER! I love everything about it! This is Seriously SO COOL!

    Man, A LOT of people comment on your site - 32 comments! Holy Crap! I don'y even KNOW 32 people! Awesome job!
