Maleficent is a reasonably pretty lady with stunning cheek bones, but she manages to mask that beauty and elegance beneath a giant cloak of "crazy." Where do you have to be mentally to vow to kill a baby because you weren't invited to a party? With Mr. Blackbird on her shoulder, she keeps company with semi-retarded demons, and she not only has the ability to turn into a dragon, but she actually found the need for it at least once in her life. I would gladly try my hand at defending her in a court of law, because it's clear that "evil" takes a backseat to "insanity" with that one. She's definitely one of my favorite villains ever.
Disney's Sleeping Beauty is a pretty good movie... unless you see it in widescreen, in which case it's about the best movie ever! I'm amazed that anyone is buying full screen movies. I've heard people say, "I don't like the black bars?" So don't look at them. I'd rather have black bars on the top and bottom of the screen than unviewable characters and actions taking place beyond the borders of my TV. Look at this shot from Sleeping Beauty... the full screen version cuts out two of the goons. How will they prove to their friends that they were even in this movie?
Most of the new TV's that are being made are in widescreen format. As soon as widescreen TV's are your only option, you full-sreen DVD-buyers will have black bars on the sides of the picture instead of the top and bottom. But whatever kind of TV you have, you'll always be missing part of the picture. It's like wearing horse blinders to the Grand Canyon (which I would only recommend for pack mules, because those trails are dangerous, and you pack mules need to be focused on the path ahead). But if you ever go to the Grand Canyon, see the whole thing without horse blinders... in widescreen... the way it was divinely intended.
ROFLOL! "How will they prove to their friends that they were even in this movie?" Yeah...THAT'S something I'm worried about. LOL! Seriously though...I totally agree with you. It's WORTH putting up with black bars to see ALL of what is going on...and after a while, ya don't even notice the black bars. Love your write-up about Maleficent....hilarious and very eloquent. ;-)
i too loved your write up. My inlaws hate the black bars and always make their movies full screen on their tv. Not only do they cut off sides, but they cut off top and bottom too. they have a widescreen tv, but veiw everything in a "zoomed in" type setting so they see no black. its so ridiculous...haha. I love visiting your site to see what new topics and illustrations you have each week. Thanks again for keeping me entertained while at work!
Standing Ovation! The "Full Screen" version of movies should be called the "Sucky Version."
For a most hilarious and entertaining presentation (more like throttling!) on the subject of widescreen vs. fullscreen, you HAVE to rent "The Interpreter" (Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn) on DVD. There is a featurette in the bonus features in which the director, Sydney Pollack, explains why widescreen should be the preferred and only format. He gets so upset about it! He starts off calm enough, but by the end he sounds like Rain Man, going over and over and over - "This is how it should be, this is how I shot the film, this is how you should watch it! Not THIS (full), but THIS! (wide) NOT THIS (full). THIS! (wide)
Loved it, as I did this post. Full screen needed to go away when VHS did.
I tried to knock-off full screen once by getting inside the picture. As I started making my way into the film someone changed it to full screen and cut me dream of killing full screen died that did I...
I was a hater of widescreen movies, but now having a widescreen hate goin to the vid store and them only havin the full frame of something :(
If theres a petition or somethin like that sign me up.
Lovely round btw. Love this baddie!
Our eyes naturaly see in a "widescreen" view, not so narrow as in full frame.
When we watch films in the theater, or on widescreen tv's it feels more comfortable... because it's how our vision works.
I still prefer Full Screen.
4:3 baby!
It is one of the funniest cartoon in the history! I would like to download it as soon as possible!
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