Ducks in a Row
I recently spent several months working long hours while we were finishing the Toy Story 3 video game. I'll say more about that and hopefully post a few storyboards after the game's been released. For now I just want to announce that it's done, and I'm officially back to blogging! I've got my ducks in a row, and that's where they'll stay. And to prove I'm serious, I'm going to shoot the first duck who steps out of line. Or better yet, I'm just going to shoot them either way. Then I can line them up however I want. Or maybe I'll stack them. Then I can start using the phrase, "I've got all my ducks in a stack."
Ducks in a stack. Awesome.
Wonderful. I always look forward to your blog posts.. and the descriptions that go with them.
Welcome back to the world of blogging. Your wit and wisdom have been missed.
Put them all on a stick to keep them in place. Or better still....a skewer. You can stick them on the barbeque then!
Great to see more of your work.
Can't wait to see how the game turned out - sounds like it must've been fun to work on.
I check your posts every week.
FInally another. Your blog is awsome. Love your Disneyesque style and jokes too!! Great Job!!
Hope Toy Story 3 is good!
And those ducks...they're super cute. I want one.
I love your work and check on any updates all the time too. Is it my imagination or do those poor ducks look a bit sad? Could it be because they heard that you were going to shoot them? Poor things ... please don't shoot them. :P
hahahaha...awesome post man.
Why not put your ducks in a box? Then the lil' quackers would always be at your beck and call... bwah ha ha!
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