Smokey the Bear
I know a lot about mobsters... for instance, they are bears. Having just read that, I doubt anyone will be surprised to learn that I've never seen a single Godfather movie or so much as a minute of a Sopranos episode. But based on their trailers and what I've gathered about the mob, mob bosses are a lot like bears. They are big, they are hairy, and they kill people who get in their way. The only difference is that mob bosses have guns. Do bears have guns? Just in case, I'm not going camping... as though I needed more reasons not to camp. As it turns out, I'm addicted to toilets.
You know, if the National Forest Service adopted this version of Smokey the Bear as their mascott, I bet we'd have fiewer forest fires.
That is a great bear design and I hope they don't have to have a toilet intervention for you.
I too am addicted to toilets, and oddly enough to mob films as well. I have seen all the Godfather films and all the Sopranos Episodes. The only difference between Bears and Mob Bosses is their accents. Italian bears... just seems weird. Bears seem way too North American to have Italian or Italian American Accents.
Back to your point, they do kill everything that gets in their way, and the deaths are always very messy and very bloody.
The problem with your drawing though is that bears are way to health conscious to smoke and I actually think that Smokey the bear was a really hot female bear that all the other bears thought was smoking hot. I'd like to see your version of that Smokey the bear.
Poor Shane is addicted to toilets. We should go camping sometime this summer. Let me know when you are available.
haha, that's hilarious! Great work, the glowing cigar is a nice touch
Oh man this is awsome! i fear bears let alone bears with tommy guns.
yes but you swam with the sharks. A bear should be nothin....
So cool! SO COOL! Keep 'em coming.
I can totally see that bear being "the Don" of the forest. Super sweet design too.
Love the deadpan look on the bear's face. Very funny, and yes, bears have guns. They're all right-wing maniac, gun freaks.
I really LOVE your work and you blog, but I really hate signing in a password every time I leave a comment, but I understand you've had some verification problems in the past.
I know he's trying to be all tough, but I can't help wanting to snuggle his cheeks!
I don't know if I enjoy reading your post or looking at your artwork more. Love both!
LOL! So funny! And I'm with you - never seen a Godfather movie or a single minute of the Sopranos! Great illo, nice lighting! Looks like an awfully polluted forest there, but he's got to worry about preventing his own forest fires! Smoking's no good for you Smokey!
I LOVE the glow on the nose and muzzle!
great work!
That's so funny, LOVE it! take care
After meeting a big old black bear right here in our back yard, I am not planning on camping either! I love your illustration, you made my day.
Just cool bear in a suit :)
i have alway supported the right to arm bears great illo all your stuff is great
is there any chance that he could be related to the western bear from before? He looks exactly like a real mobster, cept I have never seen one, or a bear for that matter. O well pictures and the imagination should suffice for now.
can't wait to see your nxt one
the coolest bear interpretation i've seen in a long time.
this is a very good satire of Smokey the bear :D My favorite pic on your blog
I just found your site tonight and OMG this is my favorite of your work here lol. Gotta love it :D
hahah is like a pedobear friend or something like that, of course i have see many mafia shows on tv even this bear when i was a kid.
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