I had several ideas when I began to sketch. There was The Check, who painted big, red check marks on stuff he came across... a cow, a garbage can, a police officer. He was basically compiling a checklist of things he’d seen without the paper-wasting practice of using a list.
Then there was The Elevator… a muscle-bound bellhop with a cape.
I had also considered Disapprover. He didn’t do anything to correct injustices – he just watched in the distance with arms folded, shaking his head.
I actually liked my sketch of Action Pig. He had no powers at all... just a name and a sketch. Maybe I'll post him on here someday.
Mr. Invisiblegs was born of laziness. Since I wasn’t sure which of those ideas I was going to go with, I just started sketching some designs of random superheroes that could pass for any of the ideas. On my fourth sketch, I came up with a head and upper body that I thought were working okay… so I quit. Fill in the cape, and there you go – Mr. Invisiblegs. Sometimes “lazy” is the key ingredient to an okay idea. This is the only example I can think of.