Friday, November 07, 2008

Yellowstone Jug Band

I've always been a huge fan of Yellowstone and North American wildlife, which is why I couldn't help but add a fourth performer to my Yellowstone jug band. The washboard-playing bison almost didn't happen. I should have added a harmonica-playing deer and an antelope with a fiddle, but that seemed like a lot of work just to be able to make a not-very-funny "deer and the antelope play" joke. See? Not very funny at all. I'm glad I thought ahead.

I'm getting the feeling that my "animal jug band" series may be causing the death of my blog. It takes a while to draw, clean up, and color multiple characters for just a single blog post, and since animal jug bands require an accompanying landscape, I can't even resort to the time-saving "Photoshop gradient" background that I've perfected. Plus I've already said all I can think of to say about jug bands, so with nothing new to rant about... well, my blog's kind of dying. In the hope of posting more frequently in the coming weeks, I'm going to put a hold on my desert, ocean, farm, mythological, monster, insect, dinosaur, and Australian jug bands for now. We'll see if that revives this thing a little.

Many gloriously appreciative thanks to those of you who bought my book. You're part of a very select group of people who I know as "the coolest."


  1. I love all of your jug bands! But I really want to HEAR how these bands differ from each other. If you could compose the songs and play them with each new jug band post -- well then, your blog would live on forever!

  2. I'm so glad the bison made it in. Although with his glare, I feel like there may be some tension in the band. Not enough washboard solos perhaps?

  3. the bison is my favorite! The foxy lookin' dude is a close second tho- I love it!
    I plan to be one of your coolest friends soon-hopefully you'll have room in that club for one or two more "cool" people! ha.

  4. Aww I love your blog no matter how many jug bands you do. They're awesome! I'm thinking about asking my husband for your book for my birthday, but we'll see.

  5. I like the bear! His face so funny, and you can see thst he is really likes what he playing! Wery nice work!

  6. with each new jug band, I love your blog more and more. I want to collect them all...I'm seeing a new book. Just draw 100 jug bands.

  7. I agree, if you could compose the music for each jug band (with accompanying grunts, snorts, growls, etc) you'd become a viral hit.
    Great work, as always.

  8. The jug bands are awesome! I'm thinking that you're going to need a battle of the bands someday soon. That bison is all geared up for it. He'd probably take that washboard to the zebra's head though.

  9. You should pitch the idea of a jug band/rock band type of game like the rock band game that's so popular with the young folk these days. Just think, it could come with a wireless jug, a stick and some twine, a washboard and more! Plus you could charge 100 bucks per pop!

  10. I'll always forgive a lag in postings if you later post amazing work like this to make up for it. Incredible work, per your standard, Shane.

    I'd pay good money (not the bad stuff) to see your version of a monster jug band, or a dino jug band. HA!

    I'm hoping my wife will take my advice and purchase your blog (in book form) for me for Christmas. Maybe I'll buy it for myself.

  11. Man - I want to see those other jug bands!! They sound awesome!!
    P.S. This illustration is amazing. is it nerdy of me to say that the grass is wicked? Cuz it totally is. You did an awesome job on it.

  12. Awwwww...SO Cuuuuute! I like the bison best!

  13. You are on page 7 (and 8) if you do a google image search of "arrested development gay boat" Well played.

  14. Also, if you are looking for new non-jug band cartoons, how about a remake of the "Afternoon Deelite Label" from Arrested Development from season 2 with the turtle riding on top of the tortise? Seems like something ridiculous and silly you would do.

  15. That banjo playin bear rocks!!! (though i am loving the other characters as well!) and that grass is a great touch!

  16. I'm hoping you're planning on blessing us with more "feathered-beret wearing pimps" this thanksgiving :)

  17. Shane, great work as always. I can't believe how quickly you put these illustrations together. Its always a treat to waste time browsing your blog.

    Big Fan,

  18. Hey Shane,
    I didn't realize it until you mentioned the possibility of an Australian jug band, but the didgeridoo would be a perfect jug band instrument. I implore you, please include a didgeridoo player in your Australian jug band sketch.

    I find so little joy in the world and that sketch would do a lot for me.

  19. Really neat work on these guys !! Love the bear and the fox !!

  20. I love your jug bands! This one is just stellar especially the expression of the water buffalo and the chubbiness of the bear, haha. Memorable.

  21. Your artwork makes me smile.
    fun fun stuff..

  22. very beautiful illustration
