Monday, November 17, 2008

My Obituary

Toon Club recently reached its 100th's topic: "You at 100." My drawing for the topic was inspired by a Google search that brought someone to my blog a while back... "What did Shane Lewis die from?" What? Is that information available online? I didn't dare search it myself because I didn't want to find something. I'd rather be surprised by my own demise. However, I thought I'd offer this obituary just in case future Googlers are similarly interested in predicting my death. Have you ever tried to write your own obituary? It's a fun little exercise to reduce your whole life to a single paragraph because it forces you to admit how little you've actually accomplished. I can't even play the harmonica... what a waste.

Here are some other Google searches I've enjoyed recently:

"Did they cancel the Chipmunks?" You know - I Googled this exact thing when I woke up from my twenty-year coma too, and believe me... you don't want to know. Just back away and save your tears for another day.

"I can not draw are there sketches of rabbits?" In a world this size, I imagine there must be at least a few sketches of rabbits I run slow.

"Who invented the battering ram?" I'm not sure they had patents at the time. It was probably a group of people with a log who reached a common understanding, and therefore it would be unfair to credit just one of them.

"American Gladiator medical student." Hey, look - you came up with something not even Google can find.

"What eats what?" Compiling a comprehensive list of what eats what would take far more time than I'm willing to dedicated to it... and would probably fill up the internet. One of the things I eat is blueberry muffins. There's a nice start.

"He don't have fear for sharks." Nor does he concern himself with grammar.


  1. Too good. Sorry about the sharks, by the way.

  2. Thanks for the laugh, Shane. This was brilliant!

  3. Wow, you have a lot to live up to.

  4. I could draw old people all brings me so much happiness. I may not feel that way at 100 but we'll talk about it when that day comes. I love the obituary- it looks like it was clipped straight out of an old newspaper.

  5. I rank this number two in your top most funniest posts of all forever. I won't concede number one, because I don't want to limit your creative ability between now and that fateful day in the jaws of a shark, Obama, Utah.

    Also, I knew this was going to be a good one when my wife started laughing so hard air came out of her nose. It's a good thing she wasn't drinking coke, or milk.

  6. I love it! You never fail to make me chuckle!

  7. You should not write such funny things on your blog when I'm sick. It hurts to laugh.

  8. ROFL...I seriously can't stop laughing!

  9. Oh my gosh, I laughed out loud at Obama, Utah. You ae my favorite funny person.

  10. That was great. Dang sharks!

  11. Excellent list of Survivors.

  12. The other day in my Intro class, Kelly showed us a couple of short cartoons that made me laugh harder than I have since before the operation. Once they were done, I asked if you had something to do with them. Awesome work, as always.
    "Wo, wo, wo is me... things are as bad as they ever could be..."
    "Head toward the waaaaterrrs!"

  13. "American Gladiator medical student."

    Tee hee hee. So funny.

  14. ...any reason to kill a shark. Do killer whales count too? I hate those guys.

  15. OH my crap...the last two searches just about made me wet my pants. Hilarious!!! How do you find these?
    P.S. Love 93 year old Shane Ted. I don't remember you having that much hair when I just saw you a few weeks ago. You plannin' on having it be more plentiful the older you get? LOL! ;-)

  16. It's good to see your ears will keep growing. I'm looking forward to that myself. And to be killed by sharks (and on land, I presume) is way cool. You'll make the "Top Ten Weird Ways People Died" list in heaven (or that other place where you'll be fighting sharks). I wish my arch nemesis were sharks. It's not even rakes. It's flies. If I die from flies I hope that fact doesn't make it into my obituary.

  17. This post is hilarious I eat haggis.

  18. Btw, how do those Utah sharks look like? Love this post!

  19. Grande artista e bellissimo blog! Il tuo blog รจ stato uno dei primi che ho cominciato a seguire! Bravissimo!! :)

  20. Hehehe, funny stuff! Nice drawing too!

  21. I loved this...particularly the last search! I shall promptly go out and kill a shark for you! ;)

  22. Sir, your site amused me for far too long. Now I have to tell a client I didn't finish my end of the bargain.

    Sincerely, Matt
