Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Arctic Jug Band

As a young child I was introduced to the wonderful world of jug bandery by Disneyland's Country Bears and Emmet Otter. I've been a fan of household-object-and-appliance-made music ever since. (Before I continue, I'd like to welcome all of you who found your way here by googling the word "bandery," which, sadly, is not a word.)

I like lots of weird music. I used to just pretend to like weird music because I thought it was funny to annoy people who had to travel in the same car as me. Then somewhere along the way, my mockery of such music turned into a kind of misguided fondness. There are tons of songs on my iPod that you don't know by artists you've never heard of... like The Chad Mitchell Trio, Bread, The Sons of the Pioneers, Loggins and Messina, and, well... Emmet Otter. Where would I be if Emmet had never put that hole in the washtub? Not in the happy place I am where bears play corn jugs... which is the only place I care to be.


  1. AnonymousMay 14, 2008

    I love Bread! lol I really like your blog as well. You draw my favorite disney art!:)

  2. I love those guys like I love every picture that you put out here. Great work!

  3. I tried out for this band but I wasn't cool enough...get it? yeah, me neither.

    I adore the background and that heavily skinned walrus neck.

  4. My oldest daughter is currently working on a polar bear school project. She got a good laugh out of that sketch. Your work is always fun to look at! Keep posting.

  5. Fantastic! That put a smile on my face!

  6. What a wonderful and fun picture! I take it they're playing some arctic variation on bluegrass.

    Yes, I like a lot of weird music myself. Also, people think I'm insane or "special" because I listen to deathmetal.

  7. Wow, wonderful picture and a great composition.

    The penguin looks very cool and sophisticated.

  8. Your gestures are so freaking awesome!

  9. Your artwork is beautiful!!!

  10. Your right, I have never heard of any of those bands. But your illustration is rokin out.

  11. .. I can hear the music. Its cool ...

  12. AnonymousMay 19, 2008

    I have the record to Loggin's and Messina's Best Hits- AND TWO Bread records..yes, the actual LP's. I need to get a working record player in order to play them...
    Im imagining the walrus has a very high pitched voice in the trio..love it.

  13. I tried looking up the word "Bandery" in hopes that it would, in reality, lead me back to your blog. Alas, it was not so. Even though "bandery" doesn't show up in any dictionary, it seems to be the name of some place in Ukraine. Go figure.

  14. Shane,
    Still amazed with your work - I love it. kasi

  15. Wow, some really fantastic work here, really glad I found your blog!

  16. That's such a fun illustration! Definitly inspiring! I love love love this! (Especially the walrus!) But then again, the penguin is pretty darn snazzy! :)

  17. This really deserves a short flash animation, or perhaps and animated gif with midi music.

  18. Awesome! I love the expressions on their faces - nice touch!

  19. I ran into your blog recently, and was happy to see what you've been up to! Your work makes my kids happy...

  20. I wonder who'll remember Emmett Otter?

    Fabulous work Shane! I'm still laughing at the expression on the penguin.

  21. Man is it always nice to see your blog. You always have great pics that keep me motivated. Very inspiring. I wish I could say I've been as productive! Been planning for my wedding and working on a graphic novel contribution due in October. Any chance I could join you guys in the Toon club this fall and get a few pointers? I need to shake of the rust and learn a few things.

  22. What sorry excuse of a human being has never heard of Bread or Loggins & Messina?

  23. But penguins don't live in the arctic. They live on the opposite side of the world. :D Maybe that's what makes this picture hilarious!
