Thursday, April 24, 2008

Why Did I Eat That?

Have you noticed that April's almost over? Spring hasn't noticed... it's snowing right now. Because of the unseasonable, unconscionable weather, I didn't want to walk far to get lunch today, so I went to the restaurant that is closest to our office... McDonald's. Clearly convenience means more to me than survival, because when I eat a McDonald's burger, it spends the next week assaulting my insides and kicking the crap out of my colon. McDonald's and snow have joined forces to kill me, and I'm too lazy and cold to do anything about it.

I've always enjoyed how a cartoon character's stomach will take the shape of whatever it eats. I believe my own stomach shares this characteristic... and if that is the case, I must have recently eaten an oversized bowl of jiggly goo. I've recently begun a new diet... I'd like to drop about 20 pounds in the next few months. I realize that a McDonald's burger isn't exactly "diet" food, but come on! It's snowing... in April! I quickly resumed my diet right after lunch.


  1. Hey fatty, why does this happen when you are away from me for extended periods of time? It's alright man. Don't get depressed. I'm an email or a phone call away when you need to talk.

  2. I kid you not...when I looked out the window a while ago and saw SNOW, I just about cried. ARGH! I am so ready for spring. I don't blame you for choking down a burger on a day like today. It's depressing outside. And high calorie grease bombs are fantastic comfort food on a day like today. That is, until it starts fighting back after you eat you mentioned. Happy Christmas in April!

  3. Great work...really like your blog.

  4. i have no idea what the heck that alligator ate, lol. but great post! btwe, wouldn't walking two miles in the snow for a decent meal be a great way to lose weight... and make grampa pround? just sayin...

  5. Sometimes you gotta have the jiggly goo burgers. Snow will make anyone turn to them.

  6. I know. Seth called me from Avalanch yesterday and asked what I thought of the crazy weather. I looked down at my short sleeve shirt and couldn't believe it was snowy in SLC where we were warm a few miles south... until a few hours later. SNOW EVERWHERE! ug. Good luck with the diet. I have been walking for an hour in the morning through the hills around here trying to get more fit- so far no difference. I'm sure it will soon though.

  7. Oops. Spelled avalanche wrong. SOrry.

  8. Colon? You mean those two dots?

  9. Next time I want a cartoon of you and your stomach of jiggly-goo.

  10. Have you seen "Super-size Me"? He calls it The McGurgles. I feel the same way.

  11. I greatly appreciate your artwork, and your sense of humor. You have a very unique style that is wonderful!

    McDonald's kills me too, but I am very jealous of your snow as I live in a desert.
