Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Freak of Nature

The platypus is a goofy-looking freak. As true as that is, I say it with some reluctance, knowing that I've offended other animals in the past with commentary that was much less insulting. Did you know there is no universally accepted plural form of the word "platypus." No plural? What kind of thing can't be addressed unless it's alone? Only a platypus, which Wikipedia describes as an "egg-laying, venomous, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal." That's right... not a duck... not a beaver. Just a venomous, egg-laying grab-bag of animal parts in one egg-laying mammal. You are a freak, platypus. And so are you, other platypus. Man, I wish you guys had a plural.


  1. Platypi? How about platypusses? Platypusseys? There has to be one.

  2. You are a great artist!
    Your drawings are fantastic!
    Hello Gianluca

  3. Reminds me of the guy that walked into a pet store and said, "Give me two mongooses... er, give me two mongeese... Nevermind, just give me one mongoose and another one just like it!"

  4. It's because they have a hive mind like the Borg, or something...

    Great cartoons as always!

  5. I think the influence you have over the blogosphere would put you in prime position to make up the universally accepted plural name for more than one platypus. For example, you can declare that one platypus is "platypus" while more that one "platypus" are referred to as "platyperii." And in a few weeks or months it may just catch on.

    What's more, some of our friends in the animal world have funny group names. "A squabble of seagulls," "a pod of whales", "a lackey of Canadians", etc. You, as the most powerful voice in animal insulting/naming, could declare that groups of platyperii would now be called "a stanley of platyperii" for example, or "a lackey of platyperii" though any Canadians you might know could be upset that they now have to share their group designation with the platyperii.

  6. This is one of my favorite posts ever. You better watch your back when you go camping, I can't imagine the animal kingdom is too happy with you.

  7. They can also detect subtle electrical current with their snouts. They are the super-villains of the animal kingdom, so you had better show them a whole lot of respect. You never know... you might find yourself in a dark alley someday looking down the tail end of a male platypus. Those are moments when one prays, " I hope I am not in striking distance, or a least I should definitely not pick him up."

    Fantastic drawing, but that kharma is gonna get you.

  8. ahh yes, the bane of the evolutionary theory. both make just as much sense and just as great comedy material. Laughed my butt of again, Shane! thanks!

    p.s. that's my fav duck of yours' yet! Florian Satzinger would be proud!

  9. Would you consider him a “disease grab-bag”.

  10. That one made me laugh out loud. LOL Baby!

  11. Fantastic stuff Shane, you never fail to inspire me, love your stuff tons!

  12. Hi there
    I love your drawings and your posts. THey inspire me a lot. I'm a children book illustrator and i love those cartoon digital painted animals.
    platypus is a funny word but in portuguese is very strange to us too. I'm portuguese. so here it goes: ornitorrinco (platypus in portuguese)but have plural: ornitorrincos.

  13. haha I love your quirky observations.

    You are right, they are goofy looking. But they are awesome creatures! I saw some in Australia - in a tank - and they were the coolest little creatures. So tiny. And swam about under water like penguins.

    I love your cartoon version. And yeh. they need a plural haha

  14. AnonymousMay 11, 2008

    You can actually learn things from this blogg! Someone I was talking to said that "platypuses" were better than bats (the nerve. A friend said "no, the plural is platypi". I was able to trump them both with "there is no plural"

    I love this blogg.

  15. It really has no plural?! Wow, and here I've been thinking it was like a moose, the plural and singular the same. Darn thing.

    This entry is particularly amusing to me as I grew up cuddling a pink platypus stuffed animal given to me by my mother. By the time the animal "disappeared" (I swear my father threw it away) it was even more of a freak than a regular platypus. The pink had become brown in spots, it was missing an eye, and the stuffing had all accumulated in the head and butt (leaving the middle flat).

    Poor platypus and his friends.

  16. Shane... you are forever cracking me up! Thanks for the continual amusement!

  17. wait wait wait!! hold the phone!! did that squirrel and that duck......... do it?

  18. no. and its a BEAVER not a squirral smart one

  19. They are all so cutt i just can't dicide whice is the cutest and what is up with all of the jug bands. Can you teach me how to draw? Please 32073 orangpark Fl. 349 wildwood ln. you arre so awsome. my name is C.....A.....R......... lie
