Thursday, September 27, 2007

Too Much Yard Work

I've been doing too much yard work this week to draw anything new, so here's something I drew a few weeks ago that I wasn't even going to post. It's true... this poor little guy would have remained in the skecth stack forever if our bushes hadn't grown tall enough in the last month to completely eclipse our house. Some worse-than-usual traffic has also wasted a bunch of my time, but I'll save my road rage rant for another day... or a series of days. That's one of my longer rants. It's actually more of a seminar.


  1. Awwwww...he's so cute! It almost makes you forget that level of panic that sets in when a bee flies around you and won't leave you alone. If bees flew up to you and handed you a cute little flower instead of stinging you, I bet people wouldn't hate them so much. I know I wouldn't.

  2. heheh if you didnt let your yard get outta control you wouldnt have cute lil critters like these buzzin around your house....he makes me almost too happy

    Ive missed loads o brilliant stuff.
    One of these days we need to do lunch again. Theres a lack of funny stories goin on in my life at the moment and could always do with some sparkling shane conversation

  3. Well this can be the one time I am glad that I don't have a yard :(. That is a great bee I can't believe you were not going to post it.

  4. hey, I really like your blog! The profile toon and blog header are great!

  5. Hey, what a fantastic blog!
    It's huge as well!
    I really like your drawing style man.

  6. Road rage... I was wondering what was wrong with you, your drawings seem so dark and brooding lately :)

  7. What a cute little guy. It's amazing how you can turn something that I'm so scared of into something so sweet looking. Don't worry, I wont fall for it. I'm still staying away from those guys. I'm looking forward to your upcoming seminar.

  8. shweeet!! Im wondering if you might be needing a seminar on coping with terrible drivers. I was complaining about drivers there one day to Anne and she even agreed with me and said that they're all doing it to "get gain" hahahahahah...get it? even if you don't..I still hate Utah drivers too..I might even hate you, who knows I haven't see your driving yet.
