Friday, September 21, 2007

The Last Unicorn

If all unicorns were this inconsiderate and careless, it's no surprise that they didn't last. Realistically, I can't imagine that a "one-anything band" has survival in its future. When was the last time you saw a one-man band? Aside from Bert in Mary Poppins, I've never seen one. I assume they were killed off before I was born by tigers, multi-man bands, and natural selection. The traditional one-man band is most likely extinct because it only performed one song... and that song had no title, no melody, and was as soothing on the ears as a train wreck. A solo bander doesn't make music... it makes noise.

My feelings about "noise" make me realize how old I'm getting. When I was a kid, adults were always telling me to quiet down. I couldn't figure out why old people were so objected to sound, but somewhere in the last thirty years... I got old. Last week someone cruised by our house on a motorcycle, and I thought, "What, are you trying to wake up the whole neighborhood?" I was also upset that the motorcyclist was visiting our street from a world without speed limits. What? I'm way too young to be this old. Fortunately I didn't confront him or I'd have probably ended up offering him sixpence to get a haircut. Crazy hooligan!

Wait, was this about unicorns? They were hooligans too.


  1. This post is hilarious. The expression on the tiger's face is perfect - you can just picture what will happen next.

    And I know what you mean about getting old. I never thought I'd be grouchy lady yelling at kids to stop climbing my fence. Little whipper-snappers...

  2. Uh oh. Makenzie's going to be sad that you are calling unicorns hooligans. Everytime she gets to make a wish (finding an eyelash, spotting the first star, wishing fountains, chicken wish bones, etc.- I guess we have lots of ways to make wishes)- she will wish for a flying pink unicorn. She didn't for a while because it just wasn't coming true. She told me a few months back that wishing wells were just lies and disappointment- oh the bitterness of growing older, but then she decided to start believing again because it was happier to. I guess a world without wishes (even if they aren't coming true quickly) is too cold and dark. :) She says that even though she's been wishing for it since she was 3 she'll just keep being patient and maybe it will happen by the time she's really really old like me. hahaha

  3. OK..that drawing is hilarious! LOL! I can completely relate to the "getting old" feeling. I ate at Brick Oven a few months ago and we sat behind a really rowdy and noisy group of college kids. I was THIS CLOSE to turning around and saying, 'COULD YOU PLEASE BE QUIET SO WE CAN ALL HEAR OURSELVES THINK!" Oooh..then I suddenly realized that I WAS TOTALLY one of those "annoying noisy college kids" less than 10 years ago. I think that was the first time I starting feeling like I was getting old. The second time was when I was in my car with one of my YW and we were listening to a Black Eyed Peas song (edited, of course....I'm a good YW leader. LOL!) and she said something like, "WOW...I can't believe YOU like this kind of music." And then after chatting with her about boys, etc. I realized that I am OVER TWICE HER AGE!!! HOLY CRAP!!!! I SO don't feel that old...but I am starting to realize that like it or's happening. It's okay though....I know I'm not completely a'gonner, because every now and again and in the right setting and with the right people, I am still able to turn into that "loud and silly" college girl. :-) WHOA...long comment. Sorry about that. I bet your next entry will be about how annoying it is when people leave comments that are longer than your ENTRIES! LOL!

  4. this is one of my favorites that you've done

    the characters are amazing and i'm really digging the background. super fantastical

  5. very funny post like all the rest. You a very funny artist and that´s a great thing! i hope you to see some work i have made about Disney (and i hope you don´t get angry too)

  6. I can relate! We live on a street overrun with speeding-muffler-challenged-hooligans ;) I don't think you're OLDER so much as WISER. Those cranky adults knew a thing or two - go figure! LOVE the drawing as usual!

  7. I have no personal story about my age...can I still comment about how much I like your drawing?

  8. Just brilliant Shane! Your blog really makes me chuckle! The picture is tremendous - I really like that somewhere in this forest there's a massive spotlight following the unicorn! Great work

  9. HA!,...Man that Tiger looks hungry.

  10. Ha! That unicorn is the best, he is so enthusiastic and intense with his music-making. Great sense of foreboding as well...

  11. Shane, I love this! This one really made me laugh!! It looks like the unicorn had it coming.

    Also I really dig the dog sketches below. I don't know, but I'm biased toward dogs.....

  12. The character designs, the tension, your background... terrific stuff all around Shane. You make me laugh.

  13. This is a really superb piece, love the blurred background,really gives it depth and helps you focus on the foreground characters,which are super !!!! 10+

  14. It took me a few seconds before I got it. Forgive me, I'm slow. Then I busted out laughing. This is great!

  15. This illo is so very cute. I just saw this post in one of my favorite blogs...
    What a coincidence! I found this shortly after reading your post.

  16. oh no... i just did that. i thought that exact same thing. maybe it's not age, persay...maybe, our EARS are flattening and stretching out and we can hear so much BETTER now, like fruit bats. so, we are just defensively responding to our new found, er, gifts. back is bugging me again...better go find the ben gay rub.

    awwwwwesome illiO! amazin color and i lovvvve that tiger! :))

  17. Fun and wonderful. Full of great humor and appeal! I love it.

  18. Very nice illo. The expressions are classic. I have to disagree with one-man-band thing; you must have never heard of "Hasil Adkins." He played Chuck Berry-ish rock and he always got more entertaining the more he drank, may he rest in peace. I highly recommend a listen if you can find him on-line.

  19. Great illustration and expression. I can see the extinction coming....

  20. Haha, fantastic! Love the expressions; and your blog post - hilarious! It's no wonder you're working for Avalanche/Disney. I'm so jealous ;)

  21. AnonymousJune 05, 2010

    My name is Xenia, I'm from Moscow and I postcrossing participant))
    Today I have received a card with yours "The Last Unicorn". I have decided that it is an animated film and have tried to search for it in www. But unfortunately everywhere were "no results". Then I have asked the friends about this card, and they have found for me your blog!))
    So... The Big big big thenks to you for your amusing pictures!!!
    Best wishes from Russia)
