Monday, October 01, 2007

Wing-Tailed Unicordionist

Well, it's already October again, and I thought I'd start out the creepiest month of the year with a drawing of the most horrifying creature I could imagine... a Wing-Tailed Unicordionist. He's going to give you all nightmares... or brownies. Luckily he lets you pick which one you want, but the brownies have nuts in them, so you may want to consider the nightmares. I hate when brownies get ruined by nuts. More "scary" drawings are on their way this month, because obviously I'm really good at them. I love October.


  1. Hey, I just stumbled upon your blog. I'm liking your work a LOT!

  2. wow, you've really out done yourself this time. I like the wings on his tail.

  3. You are such a great character designer Shane! I'll have to come by one of these days to pick up your brain... or maybe STEAL IT since we are in October! :)

  4. My girlfriend and I both think you should make a book. Have you ever seen the book "Flanimals" by Ricky Gervais? Something along those lines would be good for your drawings (and your desccriptions of them).
    Visit Andy's Animation!

  5. "I hate when brownies get ruined by nuts."

    You unknowingly just quoted me word-for-word. I say that all the time. It's so true.

    Nuts. Ruin. Brownies.

    People need to figure this out already.

  6. well my Halloween tribute will suck next to yours but in the spirit of the Great Pumpkin, Im going to post a ..well a something Halloweeny. Soon. The funniest thing about your cartoon -by the way- is the tire. I laugh out loud every time I look at it.

  7. haha this is a great character Shane and I love his flat tire.

  8. Hahaha, that expression on his face is great.. great job sir! Let the scary month begin right :)

  9. Im Glad to have found your blog and you toon club.
    each illustration is better than the one before. Great Stuff

    Congratulations !!!

  10. This is just the sort of monster that would get me in all kinds of trouble when I was a kid. Of course, no one would believe me that it wasn't me, but they'll pay. Oh yes, they'll pay...

  11. Haha. So this guy is responsible for brownies. I would rather stand in line for a rodeo than find a brownie in my candy.

  12. hahaha way to bring in october!!!

  13. OMGOSH...this is hilarious! LOVE the little wings on his tail. So funny!

  14. Indeed! nuts ruin brownies and pretty much anything else they touch. Except peanuts. Love peanuts...and I like standing in line for rodeos. I also like your monster. He and I went to a rodeo together back in June.

  15. Love the facial expression, as always.

  16. Absolutely terrifying! I mean the idea of eating a brownie and finding a nut in it. Awesome post Shane! I love Halloween for all the monsters that appear on peoples blogs and in my sock drawer.

  17. Fantastic! He needs to be a mascot at ball games.

  18. dude I love this!! And I 100% agree about nuts in chocolate brownies.

  19. oh yea, this is hilarious, awesome post!!!
