Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dog Sketches

I was just organizing the stack of sketches that consistently manages to overtake my desk, and I found some dogs that weren't too bad. I drew these after watching a dog-drawing seminar with my good bud and co-story-guy, Bryan Lefler. Now that I know all I could ever want to know about canine skeletal structure, I'm even more ashamed than I was before at how little I incorporate actual anatomy into my drawings. But, hey - it's all about the gesture... and some poses don't work when you have bones.


  1. Woof my friend, woof. Great poses. Oh, and for a price, you can get boneless dogs. You know how they've bred dobermans and greyhounds into mini's? Same principle. 'Cept I can't get mine to play fetch now. She just lays there like a spinless sack 'o mush. Hmph!

  2. Ei thats it's amazing
    Incredible, all your blog seems to me to be brilliant.
    Only I can say that I have a healthy envy

    Bye !!! Friend

  3. nice dog here!!i like the personnality of them.

  4. Too true Shane about some poses not working if they have bones. :) These are great! Think my fav is the one looking back while running. Superific.

  5. research? classes? what the...? What happened to the Shane I know?

    Love that old fat bulldog.

  6. Bones are overrated. Love the drawings...they're fab as usual. Love the one in the bottom left. Looks like he's checkin' out another female boneless doggie!

  7. Cool sketches. I am always a sucker for a Bulldog. They are just so comical looking! Great work.

  8. Bones Shmones. These are excellent.

    I do like that oldish looking bulldog, but I think my favorite is the running guy.

  9. hahaha sweet! love the one on the left corner down... hilarious expression!! :D

  10. Hey, these are wonderful. I wouldn't worry so much about anatomy. You'd be surprise how far away from a sensible, realistic design you can get and still communicate what you're drawing. (see my blog for many examples of this shoddy art)

    However, these are some glorious dogs. My favorite is see-through dog, but I just marvel at how much character each of them has. You are a master of the gesture, sir.

  11. Thanks for share, i like dogs they are nice and all but i don't like to have pets haha curious, huh is like my drawing i like to, but i don't know how or let's say that i can't draw.
