Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A Horse With No Name

On Monday night we went to see America (the band, not the country). I've always liked them, which I guess means I'm a fan of nonsensical lyrics that are loaded with "la la la's" and set to guitar music. You may remember my confusion about Ventura Highway's "alligator lizards in the air." Well, here's part of another one of their songs that I really like but don't quite get:

"I've been through the desert on a horse with no name.
It felt good to be out of the rain.
In the desert you can remember your name,
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain."

Is that a triple negative in the last line?! Glorious! I'm also impressed that they managed to rhyme a seemingly unrhymable word like "name" with the equally complex word "name." Genius! But the most incredible thing about this song is the attitude of the guy who sings it. Finding himself lost in the desert on a horse he can't even converse with because he hasn't the means to address it, instead of focusing on his inevitable thirst-related death, what he thinks is, "How nice that it's not raining." Good for him.

One time I sprained my ankle and forgot my name for a couple weeks... pain will do that. If only we could all live in the carefree desert.


  1. The last unicorn's soundtrack is all America's music and boy oh boy is it depressing. The triple negative is pretty great.
    Love the piece. Your colors are nice and solid.

  2. Great blog S.T! You`re an amazing artist!

  3. the stuff that is in your head is pure gold!!! Amazing!

    also love the sheep covered with carcass

  4. Where does this guy live that he's that desperate to get out of the rain? A beach basement in Seattle?

    Excellent expression on that guy's face.

    You need to be put in a padded room.

  5. That song plays all the time at the place where I work. Nice one.

  6. Although you have good points as I read your entries I quite often wonder... does this guy have this much time to ponder such meaningless issues... and then i just remember that its probably due to the face you live in Orem which gives you no options of anything to do... so you must be getting drunk all the time... which explains the rest of who you are.

  7. hilarious. I sing along to that song like its on my top ten every time I hear it but I think about that verse over and over again, trying to sort out the complexities of it's non-sensical-ness and end up with a different idea as to what he's trying to get at each time. I have to say, I always imagined the dude on the nameless horse a little thinner, more like Ichabod Crane...but the horse is working for me, awesome. not that you care whether or not your picture matches my mind's image of the song....but now you have it!

  8. This saddle may be at the top of my list of things you have drawn without reference. LOVE IT!

    "Hey Cody, you seen my saddle? No? It don't matter none, I'll juss use this big, burnt pancake instead."

  9. the "no bridle" with the reins just draped through the mouth is a close second.

  10. Why should a storyboard artist worry about tiny details like that?
    I once heard an interview with America (the band), and they said the "alligator lizards in the air" line was refering to finding shapes in the clouds on Ventura Highway. It only half settled my confused mind, but a half a mind is better than none.
    The guy's face in this drawing is my favorite part. Great work, as always!

  11. Don't over-heat the thinker. Funny stuff as always. Also really like the sheep below. Your blog always gives me needed entertainment.

  12. Like everyone else, I love that guy's expression. It's just so funny. The whole rhyming with "name" and pointing out the triple negative was great too. I'm sure glad you have a blog to make me laugh and look at instead of doing what I should be doing- gearing myself up to teach a bunch of crazy 4 year olds. :)

  13. First off, I am so glad that you clarified that you went to see the BAND and not "America," the country. For a second, I was thinking you had to have the coolest family home evening activities be able to whip around the country in an evening.

    K..this is hilarious. And I have YOU to thank for ruining songs like this...and Ventura Highway...for me forever. LOL! Now I can't hear them (which, ever since you blogged about "Ventura Highway," I SWEAR they play it more on the radio. Perhaps the DJs read your blog? LOL!) without laughing at the completely bizarre lyrics.

    This is hilarious Shane...thanks for the laughs....and love the drawing! FAB, as usual!

  14. what a strange song!!!

    and what a cool pic! great work as always :D

  15. Ed might die from heat stroke, but he's not going to die from starvation. He appears to be eying his horse in a funny way, maybe wondering what his nameless horse would taste like? Maybe that should have been the songs lyrics too.

    Your so right about America (the band, not the country), they must have been stoned most of their careers-- that's the only explanation for the lyrics they came up with. And yet, I bought their Greatest Hits. What does that say about me? Probably that I have a need to hear nonsensical lyrics.

    Buttercup, there, now the horse isn't nameless, and he can stop looking so forlorn. Awesome post Shane! I keep wishing the river hadn't dried up-- I need a drink.

  16. I love that the horse looks sad about being nameless. Very cool drawing too!

  17. Haha Shane you are just too funny! I love the horses expression - brilliant!

  18. How could you do a post about America and not mention The Last Unicorn?!!!

    Looks like you'll have to do a part two.

    Loverly drawing, Monsieur.

  19. Very nice artwork.

    It's said the song is about heroin. "Horse" has been slang for heroin for a very long time.
