Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Flying Wounded Seals

It's Fantasy Football time again, and that means the return of the Flying Wounded Seals. Every fantasy team I've ever had in any sport has had that same name. I joined my first fantasy football league one night in August of 2001 right after watching the Discovery Channel's world premier of "Air Jaws." When I was asked to provide a team name, the images from that nightmare-inducing show were still fresh in my mind. I guess I could have gone with "Super Sharks" or something more intimidating, but I had been cheering for the seals who flew through the air with gashes in their sides that night... not for the sharks whose momentum and teeth had caused the seals to be flying and wounded in the first place. And because I'm too lazy to come up with a new team name, I've been the Flying Wounded Seals ever since.

Week One was a pretty good week for my three Flying Wounded Seals teams... two wins and one loss. I decided to finally draw a logo for my six-year-old fantasy team last night while I was watching Monday Night Football. You're probably wondering why the wounded seal is so happy. Just because you're injured doesn't mean you have to be sad. We could all learn a lot from flying, wounded seals... like how to lose a game even when your defense scores 52 points.


  1. Wet Seal. Not only a cool name for a teen girl clothing store in the mall but an awesome name for a fantasy football team. Love the face and the chub under his screaming maw.

  2. Great design! Hopefully the Flying Wounded Seals will do well this year. My son is always getting wounded and seems to remain happy and singing "twinkle, twinkle" throughout the affair. Awesome work!

  3. Great picture.
    I love this logo, you did a great work.

    Laura :)

  4. I remember watching an old Disney movie starring Kurt Russell that was about a seal... The shots of the seal wounded somehow always upset me... Exposed bloody seal flesh is apparently not my cup of tea. So when I say I found your post upsetting, you should take it as a compliment.

  5. these latest posts are looking good mate

  6. Hey Shane! This is just great. I love the expression and the feeling of "springing forward". Beautiful design as usual. I really need to start posting more on ToonClub. Things have been a little hectic as of late.

    Talk to you later, man.

  7. I took a look at your seals smile and looks more like he is about to run into a brick wall just outside the picture. Either that or he is the running back with no offensive line. I love the drawings you put up. Always provide a fun pick me up.

  8. Great character! Excellent blog you have here :)

  9. Genial !!!!...Me encanta el personaje.

  10. Tambien, me encanta este dibujo! There is something wonderfully wrong about the content of your seal drawing. But hey, if it doesn't bother the seal it doesn't bother me.
