Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

I have some problems with the phrase "a wolf in sheep's clothing" - some serious, mental problems. That ridiculous saying is draped in flaw. I've seen a lot of sheep in my life, all over the world, and not a single one was ever wearing clothes... not even so much as a hat. Unless there's a cult out there somewhere that dresses farm animals in people clothes, I can safely assert that all sheep are naked all of the time.

A sheep whose wool has been sheered appears to be more naked than a wool-covered sheep, but neither of them is "clothed." If you shaved all of your dog's hair and covered yourself with it, you wouldn't say you were wearing your dog's clothes... you would say, "I'm a disgusting individual with no foreseeable hope of marrying." You wouldn't have to say that, though. People are intuitive about things like that... they would know.

So what have I drawn here? A sheep in wolf's clothing? Come on - let's call it what it is... a "sheep under wolf's carcass." It doesn't sound as charming, but accuracy trumps eloquence. Hey, look! I just found a worse saying!


  1. Your work is always so completely professional! And your words totally crack me up.

  2. Shane you are so funny. You never seem to amaze me. ;) That didn't come out right-after rereading it, I laughed. Pretty funny. Where's my drawing?

  3. The wolf is dead?! I thought he was just sleeping...

  4. He's too cute to be dead! ;)

  5. Ha! I love this one!! Great characters! It also made me chuckle. Now the roles are reversed!

    I don't know how you can do these so fast!

  6. I love this one! The look on the (living) wolf's face is great! And the sweet little sheep is trying so hard to be brave.

  7. Thought provoking stuff Shane! Great picture

  8. oh the wolf is dead alright...I shot him then sold him to the sheep.

    Your line " foreseeable hope of marrying" hit my chuckle button once again.

  9. I love your posts! too funny.

  10. "Accuracy trumps eloquence." LOL! Love it! This is hilarious Shane! LOL! So funny. Love that grin on the sheep's face. So he's thinking he's got that mean old wolf FOOLED for a second. LOL!

  11. Cool. Nice and fleshy drawings.

  12. I'm with Nathan Lindsay. I was caught off guard by your line of " foreseeable hope of marrying." I laughed so hard. Great drawing!

  13. Maybe I'm the foolish one, but I 'think' the wolf is on to him. This is awesome for a number of reasons.

    Your logic somehow makes sense to my exhausted brain. But I'll never admit it. At least not publically.

  14. I just have to say I love the sheep's expression. So sneaky, but innocently sneaky. Like my 18-month-old when he tries to get out of bed and it's bedtime. I'm thinking the wolf thinks his buddy IS sleeping and the sheep brought him home...right.

  15. Shane, once you have 356 of these, you should publish a post-it calendar. I'd buy it. You got me to lough out loud and embarass myself 3 times on this one. Maybe it was just coz the image of your face was hovering in my mind while i read. Either way, good job.


  16. awesome drawing! Oh how I love sheep!

    If I had a pet sheep I just might dress her up in clothes. Especially a cute little hat.

  17. hahaha, your blog is like a comedy and art show all in one. What a talent.

    Love this pic! And i have to agree with you about the sheeps clothing thing

  18. Cool character wolf designs and the color rocks!

  19. I love the face on the suspicious wolf. Lying murdering sheep.

  20. I'm telling you, that sheep is gonna jump out and kill the OTHER wolf next.

    Truly creepy and wonderful.
