Monday, August 27, 2007

The Bodyless Badger

A year ago I posted something on my blog about badgers. That drawing looked kind of rushed, so I drew this new, meaner-looking badger using the same basic design, only this time the badger had no body. I tried to mask the lack of body by throwing one together in Photoshop. This took about four seconds and looked awful. So instead of re-doing it or taking the time to draw one, I just darkened it all into obscurity. Sometimes the most creative thing about art is finding ways to not do art.


  1. From what I've heard from the bosses and around the watercooler, you are pretty creative about finding ways to not do a lot of things.
    2-is it just me or are your word verifications getting harder and harder.

  2. Now I'll see this floating badger head in my nightmares, thanks Shane.

  3. Sorry I haven't been by here in a while. I've mainly been keeping up with you ToonClub posts! Everything is looking tip top as always, Shane. And I see some different things as well. That Wild West piece is really damn cool. Love the expressions and details:) Cya round. Well, sorta!

  4. That would make a great villain in a Disney film.

  5. we don't need no stinking badgers.

  6. can i just say that badgers are the nastiest bastards in the forest? cuz they are... i heard that if a bear sees a carcass with a badger chewing at it, he will live it alone instead of going for the goods. creepy little monsters.

  7. A wise man once said: "Sometimes the most creative thing about art is finding ways to not do art."

  8. Reminds me of something from The Secret of Nimh! Excellent work as always!

  9. But are all badgers cross-eyed?

  10. Perhaps that's why he's angry shane?! Fabulous work sir!
