Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day... the one day of the year that Michael Bolton's music doesn't drive me crazy. That's a lie. But it is the one day of the year that I don't find the color pink nauseating. Another lie. But, honestly... Valentine's Day is the one day of the year that I'm not allowed to watch "Lost" because it's not romantic enough. Why a Wednesday, Valentine's Day?
My poor wife... she puts up with a lot. And I hope she puts up with this drawing being her Valentine's gift, because there's no "Plan B." I drew this Valentine for my wife, but I'm giving it to each of you in the spirit of the elementary school rule that, if you bring a Valentine for one person, you have to bring one for everyone. That rule was the only reason I ever got a Valentine... and the reason I was certain that all the hot girls in my 4th grade class were totally into me.


  1. I guess that explains the shoe box decorated with construction paper on your desk. Hasn't that been there for a few months now?

  2. Are you the fox or the... just kidding. I hate that too.

    Looks cute though.

    Oh, and "plan B" is lovin'... always.

  3. Haha!

    Really nice drawing and cute expressions!

  4. I thought Adrian was the only one who could nail the cute thing. You've proved me wrong again. Oh well, Happy Valentines Day Shane! Sorry I don't have a card for you. I'll see what I can do about that.

  5. Shane, I'm sure if you get enough "Lost" fans on board with you, you can persuade the "Lost" producers to add some more romance for you, maybe even by tonight's episode. Those people bend like willows to fan opinion and it's really starting to annoy me. Pick a storyline and stick with it already! I can't believe I am still watching.

    Nice valentine picture, BTW.

  6. Very, very cute, Shane. I imagine that the inside of this Valentine says either "Some bunny loves you!" or "You are soooo foxy!".

    Either way, I'm offended. And I'm sure I'll get to watch Lost tonight. Oh, I just made myself sad.

  7. You make me laugh. I must admit it's a little creepy, though, that you're giving me a valentine. I'm married to your sister!

  8. hahahah So many lies!!! And yet loads of sugary sweetness in this post!

    THanks for the valentines. Kinda sucks I have to share it with everyone else though...

  9. Looking at this picture even leaves one of those cotton candy grit tastes in my mouth.

    Speaking of fourth grade; I always made sure the girls I hated got the "friends" Valentine.

  10. It's a good thing that fourth graders are expected to give each other valentines. How else could we get pre-pubescent boys to swap pictures of Captain America saying, "Citizen, you're swell!"

    I mean honestly, I shudder to think of where society would be without this tradition.

  11. SHE MADE YOU MISS "LOST???????????????" LOL! Kidding....I will side with your wife on this one...but just give her a few years. Our Valentine's consisted on eating pizza at home AND WATCHING "LOST!" LOL! And it was fabulous! Love your Valentine...the little foxxie is so excited about getting loves....WAY CUTE!

  12. Oooh...I forgot....our evening consisted of first the JAZZ game...and THEN "Lost." ;-)

  13. this is awesome. your stuff truly gets better and funnier with every post. disney is lucky to have you.


  14. You've out-cuted your previously disgustingly cute post. Nice job, mister!

  15. dude, ive missed your blog. Its as funny as ever man, and your characters are awsome!!!!!!!

  16. The card I made my girlfriend wasn't crafted quite so nicely... but lets keep that quiet hah. Another fantastic piece from the man himself. I never tire of checking out your stuff. Taker easy my friend.

  17. Ah Lost. I guess it's wrong then that me and my husband were all excited about finally getting to watch the new episode of Heroes on Valentine's day. Save the cheerleader!

    This is a great Valentine's drawing by the way :)

  18. Hey Shane,

    Just discovered your BLOG- pretty Fabulous...glad to have found you! Beautiful work!


  19. it's very cute ~ but i wish you weren't such a liar! haha

    happy heart day . . . a week late, but hey, it's the thought, right???

  20. I just stumbled across your page looking for cute V-Day images to put on my blog and I love your blog! What amazing talent you have! Thanks for letting me peek at it:)

  21. Wow,

    Your really talented.

    I loved browsing through your art =]

    -Magnolia model



  22. Hi,

    So I don't know you, but I was Googling images (keyword "valentine's day") and this cute piece made me completely happy. Then I thought: this must be from Disney. And then it wasn't, although it kind of turned out to be Disney anyway. But now your blog's in my favourites, so that's something. I'll tell the Netherlands about you. Happy Valentine's Day. And sorry about the flaky comment, and Lost.

    Cheers from Europe,
