Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Don't Call Me Dummy

Moments ago my little site got its 10,000th visitor! Ten thousand visitors?! Well, no... it's only about twelve different people, but you guys have been here a lot of times. Thanks for that! All of you who come here are the coolest! Which I believe is what is inscribed on the book the Statue of Liberty is holding.

I've also recently become a YouTuber. So far I've only uploaded one video. It's a song that my brother-in-law and I put together about how miserable it is to be a puppet. Just click here to watch it. It's about 4 minutes long, but the best stuff's at the end, so try to hang in there.


  1. 10,000!? That's awesome. Guess what else is awesome. Your video. Did you sing it too? I thought I recognized your voice at the end with the backup sock puppets. I really feel sorry for puppets now, especially in the bathroom. I always wondered about conjoined twins with that, but never puppets. Do you think if they ever got in fights with each other and beat each other up it would be called masicism?

  2. What a sad song. Despite that, I found myself laughing...a lot. You are truly a man of many talents!

  3. Sup Shane? Congrats on the visitor's. Any thought to adding velvet rope to your blog,...you know...., to keep children from touching the artwork? J/K.

    Your "Dummy" video had me giggling right out loud. Then, after long thought, wanting to apologize to my stuffed Grover for all the years of pain I've caused. Thanks for helping me put things into perspective.

    Oh, and your giant snowman.....I have no words. It speak volumes. It's got it all. Keep up the great work. I love to visit. You cool if I add you as a link?

  4. hey man, the video is great. i laughed my tail off through the whole thing. good job

  5. I haven't laughed that hard in weeks.

  6. that video was pretty funny man. I've been checking out your artwork lately and it's some cool stuff. I'd love to be at your level. If you have any tips or advice for me please share. I have a hard time developing a style, but I love cartoon art and animation so much. Take it easy.

  7. Hey shane! man that was about the most hilarious shiz!!!! Ive put you on my people Id like to meet eventually list. You rock

  8. Hello! Thanks for your comment on my blog, it means a lot considering the quality of your own work! Im surprised I havent been here before. I love your character designs, they are very sublime. And funny too - will be back indeed

    Ken :D

  9. Word Verification for this one is:


    That's my new name...

    CALL ME UMDER!!!!!!
