Saturday, August 05, 2006

Circle of Life?

Don't you hate it when you're just sitting down to dinner and someone knocks on the door, or the phone rings, or a bigger animal eats you? It seems considerably more difficult to enjoy a meal when you're the one being eaten. This causes me to wonder... why is it called a "circle of life?" I guess that's the optimistic approach, but for half of the creatures involved, it's a circle of death. Maybe if we all start calling it that, eventually it will catch on.

Probably not, though... stupid Elton John.


  1. Twenty years from now when people ask me who my infleuences were I'm sure your name is going to come up Shane. Nobody can draw carnage as funny as you can! Though Adrian's Possum looked pretty disqusting too-- that drool! (Shiver!)

    You're going to have to teach me to do backgrounds- something I consistantly fall short on. Your concepts are without fail hysterical and informed, and your illustrations flawless. Thanks for sharing your talents with us Shane!

    (If you go into Waste Management I'll hunt you down. Metaphorically speaking!)

  2. Such a grand way with words. Love the narrative with your pics. How I wish... Great stuff Shane!

  3. hi Shane. you been updating a lot! great new artwork. love it all, how do you become an elite member of the toonclub?


  4. great drawing. hahaha. sometimes i wonder what those green peace tree huggers are getting at when they paint pictures of happy animals frollicking freely on the savannahas. The truth is, one slip up and they're being disemboweled alive by some predator. Ugh. I bet they could all use a good day at the spa to take all that stress off.


  5. Cirle of death...Heheheh. I love it.

  6. I love it! Wonderful character designs, sir. I would love it more if there were a second panel that showed the snake eating the mouse and letting the leopard go. Now that's comedy!

    Excellent use of the grass brush, as well! Keep it up, pardner.

  7. Great expressions on all three of these characters! You do a great job of giving your characters life, even when they are close to death! Hmmm, dead things... Let's see some zombies! Thanks for the kind words on my blog, I agree- artists blogs are the best! Keep up the great work!!

  8. Haha this is great! Have you seen those old black and white films where they throw animals together and make them fight for our entertainment? I'm not endorsing the act, it's just that there's one where a boa fights a leopard and then a tiger. The snake quickly killed the leopard and eventually drove off the tiger. It was nuts. Just thought I'd add that bit of info...Anyway, I love that snowman too, trees for arms. Awesome.
    Thanks again for stopping by my blog!

  9. Wow! Your site (I hate the word blog :P) is real great; I quite enjoy all your awesome character designs. Thanks for the comment on my "site", which ultimately lead me here. I, too, will be back for more when you post it :D

  10. hey Shane, thanks for stopping by my blog, you have a new admirer, I think your art's quite lively! :)

  11. I love the toons! The Sealbearpig is fantastic! Hahaha! I dig it!

  12. BTW...Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  13. well shane… think about what eats worms… what eats what eats worms… what eats what eats what eats worms and so on… then think about when they will stick you in the ground… one day in the way distant future, god willing… and what will be eating you? well… it does look like that snake in your fab illustration, but it would be worms… and things that worms eat… and things that eat things that worms eat and…

    i think your post put me on a never-ending circle of thought…

  14. LOVE this picture and your funny narrative! You make me SMILE! ;)

  15. Oh no, it started again. They make me a better man, they do. Told you it was for the best, you said, "Surely do" and I walked away from all of it...

    I want back in! Let me drive the stage coach! Brace yourself, it's the best sandwich I've ever made!

  16. haha yeah I do hate it. It happens to me all the time lol. Great illo!

  17. Great illo! Love the animal's expression,..really funny stuff too!

  18. haha, great piece for the topic. I love the expression of the tiger.

  19. this is so funny! a writer and an artist, i'm envious!

  20. What a great take on this subject! Excellent Illustration, too!

  21. Hehe sooo true! I will follow your lead and call it the cirkel of death!

  22. dude, Great drawing. Very funny too.

  23. Beautifully drawn! And its got that 'disney' feel too :)

  24. awesome snake!!! great work!

  25. WOW! I just 'stumbled' upon your blog...LOVE the work you do...And yeah! Someone with my wit and sarcasm!!!! LOVE it!!! Now if I can just get as good as you in illustrating I could be your female alter ego! LOL!
