Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hooray for Rodents!

It's hard to draw people. If they don't look right, everyone notices and cringes in disgust, and babies begin to cry. On the other hand, audiences are quite forgiving of poorly drawn rodents with horribly distorted anatomy (see illustration above). That's why I draw a lot of rodents... my swamp creature, for example. What is that thing? There are so many rodents on the earth that we dare not be too critical. You say there's one that looks like that? Your guess is as good as mine.

These things I drew were supposed to be squirrels. Do they even look like squirrels? It doesn't matter. If I just call them "rodents," they're close enough. Thanks for taking the responsibility and research out of drawing, you rascally rodents!


  1. I really like the smile of the one on the left. Menacingly happy but a little stupid. The proportions are good too. On the rodent not, I always wanted a pet squirrel that would ride on my shoulder and obey simple commands like bite or siphon gas into a container. I really like your stylistic approach to animals.

  2. The thing I really like about your work Shane is that it has a familiar feel to it, but you stylize it in a way that makes it all your own. The characters all look like they could have fit in nicely in a Disney or Warner bros cartoon. Then to top it off, the stories that you write for your entries are endlessly amusing. Always good for a smile! Keep up the great work!

  3. I think you're on to something here. Look at Mickey Mouse. He looks nothing like a real mouse but you can tell he is one because of his ears and gloves and shorts. And because the word Mouse is in his name. You just have to put the right indicators in there.

  4. Thanks, guys... I always love reading your comments. What Kevin said got me thinking... is there an actual rodent out there with ears that glide freely across its head, depending on which direction it turns? I'm sure there is... somewhere... wearing gloves.

  5. I have a rodent in my house, he's name is Tony I have to feed him cheese or else he will eat my paints. the little racal got me inspired to draw somhow.... These are nicely done rodents. I really like the interaction you got going on, I lack that in my drawings because I rarely post two characters in a drawing. I like visiting your blog, your right flying pigs are always fun.


  6. That's a really great beaver Shane! But the bear is a bit out of proportion. You should make the beaver smaller.

  7. Your explainations of things is always the best part of your posts.
    I love the illustrations, but your storytelling is sooo funny!
    Being able to make a rodent (squirrel) look like anything we want and still call it a rodent(squirrel) is why we draw for a living...Right?
    Keep up the great work!

  8. FUN FUN characters!! V animated!

  9. I like these rodents!! I think you're right too. Rodent art is care-free art.

  10. Nice job Shane, I dig the expressions, 'specially the little brother rodent.

  11. I think they are cute squirrels!

    I do agree about the whole drawing people thing though! ;)

  12. When you're right, you're right, and you, you're always right!
