Monday, March 19, 2012

Greatest Hits

You know how sometimes a band will disappear for a couple of years, and then they suddenly return with a "Greatest Hits" album and a reunion tour so they can get some more of your money without producing anything new? Well, as you may have noticed, it's been five months since I updated my blog... so I made this. Please send me your money.


  1. Hahahahah That's too funny haha

  2. Haha wow ... That looks like a party I wish I was at!

    Nice to see you again dude!

  3. I knew it!!! I told everyone that Shane and the Lewises didn't break up. They'd be back!!!

  4. Check is in the mail! Glad to have you back!

  5. Z. D. ForrestMarch 26, 2012

    I was wondering what happened! Good to hear from you again!

  6. Wow, it's like your life just flashed before my eyes. I love this! It's like a god-view of your brain. Looks like a fun place to be.

  7. Shut up and take my money!
