Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Bunnies Love Bears

I know it's only October, but I finished this already, so I might as well post it. Happy Easter, everybody!


  1. I. Freaking. Love this.

    Thanks--I needed to smile. :-)

  2. That´s one sceptic looking bunny in the left center (does that make sense?). Zombie bunnies make Easter so much more fun :)

  3. a new plateau for you Mr. Lewis. My fan heart grew 3 sizes today.

  4. Awww. How sweet. It reminds me of my nightmares.

  5. me encantan tus trabajos, quiero ver mas!

  6. could you draw donkey and dragon from shrek? I know... it's a conflict of interest... but i've been trying to draw them and it's just not coming out right and my daughter loves them... :-S

  7. Someone should teach those bunnies the correct way to search for eggs...

    haha, you crack me up dude. Love it!

  8. I never told you that I love this sad picture

  9. i do this every now and then - i spend a good half hour reading your stories and admiring your compositions. One of the best blogs out there. I went as far back as your photoshop tutorial with the cowboy bear. I still have yet to understand layers. I tried to get through the first few points but as soon as i got to the deleting the white beihind the sketch, the layers would switch places on the toolbar. very annoying. I'm gonna try it again tonight. If you happen to feel like doing another tutorial I'd love it. Gotta figure this out.



  10. you wouldn't have anything to do with "Kid History", would you?

  11. Thanks for the comments, everybody! It wasn't anything you said that made me stop blogging... it was just my own laziness.

    Andrew - maybe I'll do another tutorial someday. At this point I'd just be impressed if I managed to update my blog again with anything at all. It's been far too long.

    And L.D. - I have a little bit to do with Kid History. I've been in a couple of them, and I've made a bunch of shirts and things for their Zazzle store. My brother-in-law and his brothers are the Roberts gang, so that's the connection.

  12. Its been wayyy too long. My lack of blogging has meant Ive been missing out on awesome art like this!! Love it dude.
