Monday, August 18, 2008

Free Postcards!

Boring Backstory: Almost two years ago I was asked by BYU's Visual Arts Department to submit a few of my drawings for a book they were assembling that would highlight the work of some of their former students. I sent them a few things I'd recently drawn for my blog, and then I completely forgot about the whole thing for a very long time.

Incresingly Boring Continuation of Story: A couple of weeks ago, I got a package in the mail from BYU that contained a copy of the book they made along with 300 postcards... 100 for each of my drawings that was included in the book. My first thought was, "Where did they get these drawings?" Before I had time to remember that I had sent them a long time ago, my next thought replaced the first: "What do they expect me to do with 300 postcards?" I considerend sending them all back to BYU, one postcard a day for the next 10 months, but I wasn't able to convince myself to spend over $80 on a gag that only I would enjoy, so I've decided to go with "Plan B."

Plan B: Today I went to the less-than-efficiently run post office and bought 100 over-priced postcard stamps, and I am going to send postcards to the first hundred people who tell me they want one. This is quite possibly the most creative, time-consuming way I've ever come up with to waste $27, and YOU can be part of it!

Instructions for Receiving Your 100-of-a-Kind Postcard: 1) Leave a comment here on my blog saying you'd like one, mostly so I can see if I can get up to 100 comments on one blog post; 2) Click here to send me an email that includes your name, your address, and which postcard you want (shark, monkeys, or polar bear). It's as simple as that! I'm stopping at 100 postcards, though, so send me an email soon if you want one. And don't worry... this won't put you on some weird, junk-email list, and I won't be sending you any Christmas cards or anything else in the future. It's a one-time postcard... just because I have a bunch of them and "Plan A" fell through. Also, I'm sorry, but I'll only be sending postcards to addresses in the United States... not because I'm patriotic, but because I'm cheap.

Closing Remarks That Aren't Worth Reading: I'm sending these 100 postcards to thank those of you who come to my blog for for your continued support... even these last few months while my blog's been mostly dead. We're almost done with the Bolt video game, and then I'll get back to posting regularly again. Hopefully a personalized postcard will hold you over until then. My apologies to those of you in other countries... you deserve a postcard too. Maybe another day.


Rachel Hope said...

AWESOME!!!! Thanks for sharing your way or another! I have you on my Google Reader and enjoy all your updates!

Unknown said...


Ryan Goldsberry said...

Cool! I'd like one! By the way, I love your work!

Aisleen said...

Ooooooooh I'd love one of your awesome cards! I'll send you an email asap. Good luck on the video game, by the way!

Adrian Ropp said...

I'm not sending you an email with my address, but I want a polar bear one.

Kellette said...

What a great idea! You have been very inspiring to me and my work as an artist and art teacher. I will be sending you an email for a postcard! Keep making awesome work!

Brynn said...

Can I have one?? I would especially like the monkey one cuz you are a monkey. You know my address. What a fun game:)

Brian said...

I'd like one too please! Emailing forthwith.

Stacy said...

Cool!!! My friends and I love your website! We get a kick out of your stuff!!! Thanks for the chance to win a postcard!!

nicole falk said...

i adore your work - i would love your postcards..emailing arriving sooooooon!!

Robbie said...

Yes!!!! I've been telling people about your blog.... great art and funny little stories. You Da Man Lewis!!!!

madj00ks said...

I would like one as well. I'm a huge fan of your blog, thank you for sharing your wonderful art. :)

Unknown said...

Another fan from Google Reader. Got introduced to your awesome stuff by a couple of friends. I'd definitely love one of the postcards!

Good luck on the game!

Andy Latham said...

I'd definitely like one! What a wonderful idea!

superguy said...

Hope I can get one love your art.

Jamie said...

Ooh, I want one.

Heather D. White said...

ME ME ME!!! I definitely want the monkey one if I have to choose. But if I don't have to choose, I want all three...and a Christmas card. LOL! ;-) Glad to see you posting. Saw the pic of you SLEEPING on the job on your Facebook. Must be crazy lately to put an entire crew to sleep! ;-)

Xan said...

Hey, I want one...and I think as Lindy's friend I should still get a Christmas letter...

And, I like the shark one...since I'm currently still a student...

Alan Bradshaw said...

Hey Shane! you really have come a long way since you were my intro to animation instructor in 2005! I would love a post card! Thanks

pencrush said...

I would LOVE a postcard! Keep up the great work...

Nikki said...

I want a polar bear postcard....

Long time lurker! You have the best commentary of any blog I watch!!!!

Emily said...

I totally want one!

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

gimme! :)

Anonymous said...

ooh, me!!!

The Youngs said...

Shaner, I/we would love one.

- Tim Sormin - said...

The tough part is picking just one. Or to put it another way, to reject the other two so that they grow up with a low sense of self-worth and a resentment of authority figures which culminates in a career of heinous crimes... or something.

Kris said...

I need one, or all the ones leftover as I am your mother! Love ya.

David Malan said...

Lame. I don't want one.

Ben Reynolds said...

Dude, I totally want one!! Sign me up!

Ben Reynolds said...

i want one, but I live in Canada..and you hate everyone that isn't american. Thats clear from reading your post.

Anonymous said...

I want one toooo!!!But I stay in the UK :( oh well!

But I have a silent reader for a while and I totally adore your work :)!

Marie said...

I will keep and cherish a postcard that you send me, and although I would like all three, I will take...the... oh, it's so hard! The polar bear. Thank you!!!

John Nunnemacher said...

Oh, wow! I'll take a polar bear please. :)

wickedaerialist said...

I would adore one of your cards. I just started reading your blog, at the advice of my husband, and have already gone through most of the older blogs in my attempt to catch up with him.

Jonathan said...

Woo Hoo!! Send me a post card. What a great Idea.

Jon Little

zohner said...

This is an awesome idea.

Anonymous said...

I want one... I want one... I want one! wheeeee....

I never get fun mail anymore. Just bills.

Unknown said...

This is a great idea!
Make sure your mailbox is ready
because my email is getting made up all pretty for it!


Anonymous said...

I was really hoping for another "Shark Week" blog but won't harass you too much as it sounds like you've been working hard. I'd love a postcard - you can surprise me with whichever one you want. Thanks!

Brittany Karford Rogers said...

Send us one!

Brittany Rogers
BYU Magazine
218 UPB
Provo, UT 84604


Shane- as your official previously invisible biggest fan, I would love a set of your postcards. Who knows, you may have just begun The Great Postcard Swap!

Thanks for being so generous we your $27, you've just added a smile to 300 faces.

Katie McDee said...

ooOOoo gimmee gimmee

Jay Brushett said...

I'd like one please!
Email is on its way to you.

nate said...

Long time reader, first time commenter. I just couldn't pass up a chance to have some of your great art.


Rich Faber said...

Hey Shane,

I'm a big fan of your work, and I'd love a postcard, so I'll send you an email. More important, though, I hate the cricket chirps my illustration blog seems to elicit in the comments section, so in that spirit, I'd like to contribute to your 100 comments. Maybe someday you can return the favor, if I ever have something free to give away to bribe people to come to my blog... ;-)

In any case, it's a cool offer, so thanks!

Rich Faber

Zach said...

Me wanty! Me Wanty! I would love a postcard so I'll go ahead and do what you have asked. Muchas Gracias!

The Jorgensen's said...

The Jorgensen's want one, of course! It'll go on our fridge along with all other things/people we are proud of.

Michael said...

Now I can finally get something in the mail that isn't for "current resident" or from a credit card or magazine company. Thanks in advance for the postcard I will be receiving soon.

Marilyn said...

I'm a regular reader and am always excited to see you've posted. I'm excited to see those monkeys on a postcard! Thank you!

chasgrits said...

i like your style :)

kim holt said...

I visit your site all the time for inspiration. I would love one. Polar Bear please.

Unknown said...

free shwag!!!!! you are top shelf classy! If I ever get a chance to do lunch with you again I would love one of these hotcake items

Keegan Frank said...

Polar bear postcard! My life will finally be complete.

Will Terrell said...

Coolers! Definitely count me in!!

I still think you should go with Plan A... only pick one random person out of the phone book to send them to.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed by the number of comments you're getting! Looks like things are going well.

the cat is back said...

I sent you an email, but would love one too! Your work is amazing and no doubt some of the best I've seen! Thanks for always updating your blog, way more than I have been. New babies sure do take up time! I like the monkey one or polar bear best. :)

Charity said...

You're cool. I want the polar bear post card - it makes me so happy! I'm sending an email now...

Steve-o said...

How wonderful

Anonymous said...

OOOO pick me pick me! what a great idea to thank your fans!:)

Itworksforbobbi said...

I would absolutely LOVE one. I LOVE your drawings! So generous to send them out to your fans. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Whaat a great and generous thing to do!! Count me in! Off to send you my address.

Have a great week!

Sandy said...

Me two! I'm commenter #62. :)

Ben Reynolds said...

I'm just trying to help you reach 100.

flashfox said...

Hooray for lovely maily-things. I already sent my email but I have to comment so you can reach 100 comments. :P

Deeners said...

I would love to have one of the postcards. I check your blog at least once a week and I love your art and your comments. Always sure to be funny. I'm sure I would have enjoyed hearing about Plan A, but I like this better.

Anonymous said...

I sent an email, I am so excited!

paradise stake ym said...

Bring it on.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have one

Aaron Ludwig said...

Whoa! I'd better act now before it's too late! I'd like one!

StatCraze said...

I'll take your 70th postcard, if you please.

Barbi said...

I read your blog all the time and I love your drawings! And this (postcards) is great thing to do.

I am just sorry that I don't live in USA. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love your work and I'd love to get a postcard.
add one more comment towards your goal

Anonymous said...

If all these comments don't give you an ego boost, I don't know what will. I've been a lurker, uh...I mean, admirer of your blog for a while now and would love a copy of your work. It would make a great conversation piece for me and the chick in my neighborhood who's blog I found yours through (friend of a friend of a friend of a friend). Anywho, thanks for the offer. Your artwork is incredible but your perception of the world and your comments are why I laugh. And after all, isn't thay why we're all here? To have a good laugh?

Adam Ford said...

I want free stuff!

MJ said...

do it do it...and say hello to your wife for me. I'm a little sad one of the postcards doesn't say 'fat pig.' I guess that drawing is saved for Gwen's onesies...sigh, she gets everything I want.

Jim Rice said...

Dude! Hook me up! You know I love your work.

Amber Leaders said...

I am a fan, I would love one!!!!!!!

Heather said...

What a cool idea - I definitely want one!

Anonymous said...

I believe you will make it to 100. Your artwork is so fun! Thanks for sharing it.

Debra Cooper said...

Your work is fantastic and what young kids dream of doing. Heck I still dream of creating work like yours. To have a sample of your work would be just thrilling. So thanks, I hope I make it on your list.

Jaylan said...

Sounds like fun. I'd like one too.

Kenny Durkin said...

Big fan here. Your artwork is inspiring! I hope I'm not too late for a postcard.

Liz said...

Ooooh! Pick Me! Pick me! I want one!

Unknown said...

YAY! Me too! I made it under 100!

Anonymous said...

Yes! I would like one!

Seth Hippen said...

I almost missed this one. Sheesh, when I don't blog for a few months then finally post something, I'm lucky to get a few distant chirps from the lost crickets who stumbled my way accidentally. But you get at least 86 posts! I want the shark.

Brice DEKANY said...

I am the 87th !! I hope there is polar-bear still!!
Good job

tinylittlesandra said...

Wow! Your making some headway getting to 100! Good luck, and thanks for the sweet gesture!

Anonymous said...

Dang, looks like I got in under the wire... but live too far away! Ah well. Will just add a little "love your work" while I'm here :-)

jonathan c. haeger said...

It would be very cool to have a postcard. I really do enjoy your art.

austinmcraig said...

I'd Love to have a post card (if you have anymore)! Thanks.
And good luck with sending everything. Long process, I imagine.

Lana said...

Darn, you must have known I would request a postcard to be sent to England.

RichVintage said...

Yahoo! Shane count me in. It looks like I barely made it. If I tried this on my blog, I would get one comment, from YOU! Sharks rule. Make sure to include your sweet Herbie Hancock on it as well. I might try to sell it on ebay one day.


Nathan Lindsay said...

Am I too late? that would be so sad. Hey if I miss this opportunity I'll just shuffle around your desk and find some nice sketches for my collection.

Meeshi said...

I'd love to have one of those postcards. Send me one please.

Lillian Lai said...

If there are any left, I'd love one please.

Ken said...


I dont live in the USA!

They look awesome. Can I BUY one???

Anonymous said...

I'll take a polar bear please.

Steph said...


We would love a post card (shark one)


Your biggest fans in East St. George

jae said...

Whoo hoo! 100th comment!
Hope I'm not too late!
Pretty please!!!
I would like a Shark postcard!

Jenny said...

Dang, I missed out :( Regardless, I love reading your blog! My husband and I get a good laugh out of all of your rants, because we relate to them so well. I really am bummed I'll miss out on your 'Plan B', maybe next time ;)

Karalenn Hippen said...

Hey Shaney-poo. I thought if I gave you a pet name you'd send me one even if I am 102. It looks to me like a few comments are from out of the US of A soooo maybe just maybe you have one for me. :) Actually I guess Seth and I could share a shark one. They are the most loving,snuggly sea creatures aren't they? I'll bet you could do a fun post about them some time. hahaha jk. Well thanks for the years of entertainment and congratulations on being so popular.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment..I'll write one about John Denver someday!:)

John Read said...

Even though I sent you a free copy of my magazine and never heard a word back from you, and even though I didn't make your Top 100 list, I did want you to know how much I enjoy visiting your site and looking at your 'toons! And I'd STILL like to profile you in an upcoming issue of "Stay Tooned!", hear?

B Beach said...

Holy Crap! That's a lot of comments! Well, I'm obviously too late for a post card, but I wanted to congratulate you on the comments! I'm 105! Great work, I guess I better stop by more often so I don't miss out again! This is a lot of exclamation points!

Adam Ford said...

hey Shane, check this out:

look at the number of comments for the kitchen-aid giveaway

Anonymous said...

does plan C have anything to do with sending the next 100 postcards? :D
(alas I'm in Canada)

Anyways, I always enjoy checking out your blog-- keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

I think the last person wants plan "C" because Canada begins with "C", haha..get it? I know. Incredibly lame. Lame is a great word for how I feel right now because Im WAY TOO LATE!!! I don't care, Im sending you my address anyway..maybe I'll get a small letter...

L. D. Torres said...

Why did I have to leave town the week that you did this?!?!

Ken Chandler said...

Dang, I think I've missed my opportunity to get your autograph. It'll never happen again. Maybe next time.

Titus Todd said...

Darn! I always miss out on things like this. I visit regularly but there has just been too much going on lately.

Your biggest fan in Central St. George.

Anonymous said...

Love your work! We were viewing your blog at work today. If theres any left I'd love a Polar Bear postcard.

Anonymous said...

Ooh ooh, pick me, pick me! You're an amazing illustrator, I could look at your work all day long!

BB Whimsies said...

Oh noes! I just found your blog today! I'm sure the excellent postcards are gone, but what a cool thing to do for your fans. The Monkeys are to die for, although my friend Liz loves the shark.
Have you visited Terry's website?
You both have a wonderful, whimsical sense of humor. Thanks for the fun! Keep it up!

Natalie said...

Crap, too late!

Tammy said...

Oh great...I have been slacking on my blog stalking so I'm too late. I am impressed with the readership on your blog though - what a following!

Wompie Bat said...

Nooooooo! Too late... Rats.

heri said...

Love your work


Anonymous said...

Sorry it took so long, but thanks agian for the great postacard! My kids keep trying to sneak off with it!

Anonymous said...

These postcards are awesome

michelle c. said...

I think your artwork is awesome! I doodle around :) My son and daughter are both artists, and I always appreciate seeing unique art such as yours. thank you in advance for my postcard :) I think the monkey's are calling my name ;)