Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bored Frog

This frog is all I've drawn in the last little while. You may recognize him as the hidden "Waldo" from my previous post. The fact that so many of you were able to pick him out of that crowd is proof to me that my drawings, my rants, and my offensively inaccurate killer-whale-based trivia are actually reaching an audience. Thanks for your visits and comments, everyone. I couldn't ask for a better group of blog friends. Well, I guess I could... but only you guys would read it, so there wouldn't be much point in it.


  1. i may be one of your blog watchers that doesnt comment too much but i have you in my google reader and i see every post you make..i love your art. and your bored little frog is so cute!

  2. I love the personality! More posts!

  3. OMG!! i loooove Waldo! let me add it to my wishlist for christmas.

  4. LOL! Love the frog! Good to see you post again! I was starting to look like your bored frog every time I checked to see if you had a new entry! ;-)

  5. The frog is adorable. As a new friend, I couldn't pick him from the crowd of the previous entry, but I love him anyway! I love the bags under his eyes.

  6. Olá vi the pole the western black to bear one exemple of as dots… would like to know if you dot the shade, the lines, color of base would be everything in layers separate?
    very good you I work parabens!

  7. I feel the same Waldo.... ;p Love this one

  8. I love your work...and...I love this frog illustration...speaking of frogs...check out my Keep up the excellent work, you definitely have a God given talent...and...keep drawing frogs before you Croak!
