Friday, February 01, 2008

Groundhog Day

You can tell my blog has been around a long time when I start repeating topics. Two years ago I exhausted all of my Groundhog-Day-themed material, so for this year's groundhog drawing, I'm just going to have to write about the groundhog itself. Here are a few things I just learned about groundhogs:

"The groundhog, also known as the woodchuck, land beaver, or whistlepig, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots."

Okay, I'm familiar with the term "woodchuck," mainly because of all the times I've been invited to consider the amount of wood a woodchuck could chuck, considering it could in fact chuck wood. But since when are groundhogs also known as whistepigs? Who knows them as that, and what asylum do they call home? As for land beaver... don't we already have a land beaver? That's like calling an elephant a "land cow." We already have a land cow... it's called a cow. The paragraph goes on to say:

"Most marmots, such as yellow-bellied and hoary marmots, live in rocky and mountainous areas, but the woodchuck is a lowland creature."

"Yellow-bellied" and "hoary?" Who's naming the different kinds of marmots, and what resentment are they harboring? Isn't "yellow-bellied" the Old West term for someone who's cowardly or spineless? I think that's what the Sheriff of Nottingham called Marty McFly. My vote is for "lily-livered" marmot... it just sounds a little more insulting. And then there's the "whorey" marmot... I know that's not how it's spelled, but marmots can't read, so it all sounds the same to them. Yellow-bellied or whorey... the poor marmots can't win.

From now on, instead of calling it "Groundhog Day," I will know February 2nd as "Lily-Livered Whistlepig Day." Just when you thought this holiday couldn't make any less sense...


  1. Groundhogs have been known to be fairly adept swimmers.

    They're like water sharks.

  2. Lily-livered whistlepigs are amazing creatures that would find your sarcasm insulting.

  3. OMG Don't make too much fun of them They might rise from the ground... and... well... okay... have your fun they're not zombies after all.

  4. not suprisingly, i love it. great composition with the lurking shadow. downright professional once again. well done ... pretty darn funny too.

  5. stumbled upon your blog and diggin what i see! nice work!

  6. Did you know Manatees are called sea cows. Exists an air cow? Maybe you could draw a picture of the three cows - land, sea and air.

  7. Speechless…other than to say your knowledge/research of the animal kingdom is astounding.

  8. I like that you do extensive research on the history and background of anything you draw yet still rely on what you have always imagined that thing to look like in your mind when you actually draw it.

    -Whistle Chuck the land whore.

  9. Man, great piece as always. Those bison is the living room kick ace. Love the atmosphere and lighting.

  10. Cool picture that's cute and scary at the same time! Funny post as well! I never knew that about groundhogs.

  11. Herr Shane, du bist ganz lustig. Dein Blog gefaellt mir sehr gern! Die zeichnungen und besonders dein Kommentar sind sehr geniessbar.
    Du sollst ein Comiczeichner auch sein! Viele Leute wurden fuer dein humor bezahlen. :)

  12. so I totally didn't believe in this whole groundhog thing until I realized that he saw his shadow this year and it totally is staying winter for another who-knows-how-long. Can't wait for the suuun!!! I like your koalas!
