Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Those Lazy Koalas

Koalas sleep between 18 and 20 hours a day. If that statistic surprises you (and if you're not very good with math and don't have a calculator handy) you'll also be surprised to learn that koalas are only awake between 4 and 6 hours a day. A koala would have to live 108 years to spend as much time awake as I've experienced in my 32 years. If he wanted to catch up on the first three seasons of Lost before season four premiers on Thursday night, politically incorrectly assuming the koala was in fact a "he," a koala would have had to spend every waking minute in front of a TV for the last two weeks... three weeks if he was interested in bonus features. Of course, he would have needed to start in late October if he found himself needing to rewind every time something bizzarely confusing happened. But perhaps the most staggering statistic of all in relation to the laziness and over-sleeping habits of koalas... it would take a koala nearly a week to do the math that went into the writing of this paragraph, considering the koala's math skills are on par with my own... it took me less than two days.

This is the 200th post on my blog. How about that? Many thanks to those of you who come here all the time... the responsibility I feel to keep you just a little bit entertained is one of the things that keeps me drawing, so thanks for the pressure you provide. I never would have made it to 200 without you looming over me like that.


  1. Congratulations on your 200th post! Keep up the good work.

  2. 200 posts?! That's awsome. I look forward to your new posts more than the funnies in the Sunday paper. Keep it up!

  3. You're insert the most impressive compliment ever given here.
    That's about it!

  4. Congrats on the 200th post and you're welcome for my role in guilting you into it.

    I'm a big fan of the Koala. Cats too. Both of whom sleep 2/3 of their lives. I always thought I'd want to come back as a cat. But Koalas... warm weather, sleeping in trees.... I'm going to have to give that some thought.

    Love your work. Love your blog. Almost as much as I love cats and koalas. Thanks for the laughs and inspiration.

  5. This illustration is so good. I love it. So glad I found you. Hope I can join in adding some pressure. Well said. And Congratulations on your 200th!!

  6. Happy 240 minus 50 plus 10 "th" post!

  7. So, where's the 201st?

    I did a little math and research myself because you got me interested. The average life expectancy for a male koala is 10 years. If you compare the hours spent awake everyday, you pretty much outlived the average Koala by your 3 year/8 month mark in this world. Heck, Gwen has probably already outlived a small percentage of koalas in her mere, yet adorable, 6 weeks. What's my point in this? By 3 years and 8 months, it's unlikely that you know anything about koalas, and you've already outlived them. Someone should be singing "Sunrise, Sunset" right now.

    By the way – are you coming to the superbowl party at Tim and Steph’s?

  8. I can't believe you and your angry rants. When I first read it, I thought it said 'Angry Pants.' Glad I was wrong. Happy bi centennial post.

  9. Congrats on 200!!! Here's to the next 200! Love this post...a litle puzzled by the alarm clock, since is doesn't seem like they are really stressed about getting up on time...but hey..who am I to judge! Love your blog. Isn't it the truth that the readers of your blog help keep you going? I didn't start a blog for any reason other than to get back to keeping a regular journal...but knowing that there are people out there reading and getting e-mails from them every now and again when I miss a few days, really helps me stay on task and write! LOVE THAT! Keep up the good work....looking forward to being entertained in 2008!

  10. I have a crush on it. You already know that. . . So I guess I just told you something you already know.

    Here's something else you know. . . You own brown shoes.

  11. A Huge fan of your blog and drawing :D!

  12. Popped over from Kellie Lewis...
    Love the Koalas!
