Friday, June 29, 2007

Harry Potter

This is the cover of the final book in the Harry Potter series: "Harry Potter and the Worthless Education."

It's a shame that potential employers care so little about the good grade you got in "Spell Casting," and the way they mock you when you say they haven't heard of the school you graduated from because it can only be accessed through an invisible portal at the train station. Way to prepare your students for the real world, Hogwarts.

I don't mean to imply by this that flipping pancakes at IHOP is a bad occupation... but when you're trained in the largely useless art of wizardry, it must feel like a big step down. Sorry to have spoiled the big twist at the end of the final book.


  1. So funny, and really really sad. Hogwarts should really take better care for the futures of these young kids.

  2. D'oh! And I was so looking forward to reading it, too... ;-)

  3. AnonymousJune 29, 2007

    VERY clever--and well executed, Shane! Perfect expression on Harry's face!

  4. lol love it!!! welcome to the real world :)

  5. hahahah im diggin it!

  6. AnonymousJune 29, 2007

    just to let you know, I don't even know you- my sister know's your wife- but Im in love with you!! In a healthy kind of way, just a crush on your artwork and witty-isms-ness.
    I shall lurk your bloggy blog til you blog no more. very funny.
    just don't tell my husband- he's having a hard time keeping up with all my crushes.

  7. Totally hilarious! And I would so still read the book :)

  8. AnonymousJune 29, 2007

    I died of laughter. It's great :).

  9. ha haaa, that is the best, all i can do is read your blog and hope deep down...that one day, i will be just as funny as you is probably one of the funniest ones i have read yet!!


    *points this out to all his Harry Potter fan friends* :D

  11. Haha! But honestly, is spell casting really more useless that
    Weight Training?

    I love the look on his face. So pissed off. He's thinking, "One more word from my boss and I'm gonna Avada Kadavra this pancake right in his face!"

    Great job.

  12. It's a shame really, after all that work to get "Exceptionals" on their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. What a letdown.

    What I love about animation is that our jobs are really like going to Hogwarts. I mean, our job is about as close to magic as you can get.

    I really do wish I had a wand though. The wand control system on the Wii's Harry Potter game better rock like the Wierd Sisters, if you know what I mean.

  13. Oh poor Harry, maybe he can hang with Paris now since they are both figments of our imagination:)

  14. everything here is excellent - the idea, the technique, the colors... everything - claps!

  15. I dunno, if you have ever seen Disney's Sleeping Beauty, and you have, you'll note that wizardry comes in quite handy for the often mundane, tedious chores and having color battles with your friends! If Hermione wasn't creepishly attractive already, check her out with super-housewife powers! I mean... wow... am I going to prison?

  16. Doesn't look like things are working out as he'd pictured, huh? :)

  17. *SPOILER:
    Turns out Voldemort owns the McDonald's that Harry works for! And Snape is his Manager!

    You crack me up Shane. Beautifully crafted-- hilarious idea.

  18. It's about time! JK Rowlin should have done something like this. Your color choice and misty qualities really pop out! (Wow, I almost typed "poop" instead of "pop". I don't think we could afford even a simple mistake like that!)

  19. haha hilarious, the expression on Harry is great, cool work!

  20. AnonymousJuly 02, 2007

    Oh wow, this made me laugh so hard! This is great!!

  21. More of a symbolic death for mr potter than what I imagined but death by food industy would be the worst. Funny image my friend.

  22. You are so funny and talented! Of course, I don't think the kids are ready for such a horror story as real life. EEEK!

  23. AnonymousJuly 06, 2007

    You'd think he'd at least flip the pancakes with mind power or SOMETHING to at least get some use out of his education. Guess not.... LOL! Love this Shane!

  24. I heard that somebody dies at the end of the last book too.

  25. heheh i like it! fab work on here. :D
