Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hot Dog on a Stick

I considered several titles for this one. Lil' Smokie... based on the name of the delicious, bite-sized sausages I overate in college. American Dog... the title of one of Disney's upcoming animated films. And Well Done Little Dog... with the comma purposely omitted. But in the end I opted for Hot Dog on a Stick, because I admire restaurants that choose to exist only in mall food courts. No sell-out, street-side locations for that employee-humiliating hot dog chain.

On the topic of humiliating your employees... what's with the unfortunate hats? Luckily for us, I already looked into it. Based on the
Hot Dog on a Stick website, "the uniform was inspired by a whimsical mid-1960's trend when jockey caps and hot pants were in style." This just in... jockey caps and hot pants were NEVER in style. The site also claims that "the employees say the hats make their jobs more fun." Is that what they say? Just when they thought deep-frying a corn dog couldn't get any jollier, along came the fun-inducing jockey caps?

So anyway, I went with Hot Dog a Stick for my title, because Crispy Terrier on a Flag Pole won't get as many Google hits. Or will it? I drew this for the
Avalanche Art Blog. The topic was Dragons. I fear my wife is ashamed of me again... she tends to not approve of my barbecue-themed drawings.


  1. hahahahah

    this is fantastic. the expression on the dragon is priceless.

    poor dog tho!

    ken :D

  2. I love the colors you've chosen for this guy Shane. Classic cartoony dragon! Great view of his bicuspids too.

  3. AnonymousMay 26, 2007

    Oh my gosh Shane....I had just taken a sip of my Mtn. Dew when I read your comment on my blog today. I literally spit it out all over my new laptop!! Crap! LOL! You're hilarious. I definitely had to run right over here and read your post for today! So funny! I too, have always wondered about the stupid Hot Dog on a Stick unis...and as for making it more fun, it reaminds me of the "flair" on "Office Space." Funny show. Riiiiiight. Anyway...LOVE the drawing and the commentary! Hilarious. I sure hope some of the keys on my keyboard don't start sticking from the Mtn. Dew mishap! ;-)

  4. AnonymousMay 26, 2007

    P.S. Oops...."reminds" does NOT have an "a" in it! ;-)

  5. some good grilin! Especially considering he takes his bbq flame with him where ever he goes. Lucky dog.

    ( or not so lucky dog but dragon )

  6. Nice drawing, I am only confused by it because of your connections to canines. Fried dog seems to fly in the face of our best friends.

  7. I really love the colors you chose for this one.

  8. weren't kidding..those ARE some pretty dodgy outfits. Love the drawing tho man...friggin awesome.

  9. I can't say how much I love this dragon!

  10. I've been wanting to buy us a BBQ lately - but in light of your preoccupation with barbecuing unconventional items/people/pets, I'm reconsidering if that's a wise investment for us.

  11. I love that the dragon has sideburns. Awesome drawing Shane.

  12. This is really cool, I like the fact that the "stick" is a flagpole, great job!

  13. This just in. . . The american flag has thirteen stripes.

  14. What a fun drawing! I really love how the dragon is opening his mouth. And a smidgen of patriotism doesn't hurt.

  15. AnonymousMay 30, 2007

    I just watched 'Please Don't Call Me Dummy' again on a whim and just about wet my pants. It's so hilarious. Who is singing?? Plus, curious to hear what you thought about the LOST finale. Sounds like a good upcoming blog entry....since I am completely confused now. LOL!

  16. I only wish I could zoom in farther on the dog's face of priceless disbelief.

    All of my dragons will now have hair.

  17. he he he. This is funny. Looks like you got a lot of hits for this one. I guess people aprove of barbecuing yappy dogs.

  18. Yeah---fun inducing hats. Sure. Gimme some lemons I'm having too much fun.

    Always a great read Shane! Thanks for the laughs!!!

    I thought it was time to post and say thanks.

    So.... thanks. :)

  19. That flagpole makes me wonder if the dragon is standing in the middle of some poor family's annual summer reunion. Great dragon design, I love the curly horns! He he he!

    I have to admit... I think your commentaries are absolutely hilarious, but I have changed my screen resolution to a smaller size and now reading your entries guarantees a migraine. I have to decide now whether to change my screen resolution back or buy bifocals... Either way is fine, your sharp writing is worth it!
