Friday, March 23, 2007

The Frog Prince

Sometimes I see a beautiful, attractive girl with some creepy, weird-looking guy, and my first thought is, "How did that guy get a girl like her? Is he really funny? Is she really blind? What's going on there?" Then I think, "I hope everyone isn't that critical of this photo, because I was really sick that day."

The point is, as ugly or unlikeable as you probably are, there could very well be someone out there who's willing to settle for you. That's right... there's someone for everyone! And if it turns out there's no one for you, then that phrase is inaccurate.

I've heard it said that "you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince." Call me crazy, but if I was looking for a prince (and I'm not... because I'm married... to a girl... in case you didn't get that from the first paragraph), first I'd try knocking on the drawbridge at the castle. If that failed, maybe I'd ask the Queen if she'd seen him. There's also wanted posters, private investigators, pictures on milk cartons... countless methods at your disposal. Initiating intimate encounters with frogs would be way down the list for me if it even made the list at all. It seems fairly obvious that the frogs themselves developed that phrase, and I'm not buying it.


Unknown said...

hahahah yeah I was lucky enough that my wife settled for me.

you would think the frog would be more excited.hehe

Great stuff shane!

Jarrett said...

Well, if you check out any of those "rate my attractiveness" sites, the men generally get it alot easier than the women. Poor women.

Great piece!

Richard Gaines said...

I don't think any girl would go for me, unfortunately. However, this reminds me of that 2-D movie Disney is supposed to be working on. I don't know if "Frog Princess" sounds very appealing, however. If this is the type of movie that is going to re-introduce traditional animation, I 'm deeply afraid it's not going to work very well.

Anyway, cool drawings as usual, Shane.

Ken Chandler said...

Mel's right, if I were that Frog I'd be puckering up and ready for those sweet lips. But lucky for me I am neither a frog, or am I single. So I don't have to worry about securing a princesses affections. Sounds like a lot of work.

Anonymous said...

Well dang. Why couldn't you write this blog entry 8 YEARS AGO! I wouldn't have had to kiss all of those SLIMY warty frogs before finally finding my prince. I would have actually KNOWN about these other less nasty options for finding the prince. LOL! Love this entry Shane...and the drawing is awesome. Although you'd THINK the frog would be a titch more excited to be smooched by such a hottie. LOL! BTW...I have been going back and reading some of your older entries that I had hilarious. I read a bunch of them outloud to Chas and one of his buddies and we were all laughing out loud. Our fave is your entry about killing the snake. I think I've read the same entry 10 times and laugh so hard every time. LOL! So funny. :-)

Unknown said...

HA ! HA !! Love the frog!!

Jed Henry said...

shane, some day you'll be the gag guy at a major studio. you're helarious.
keep us laughing!


Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Your illustrations are great, and your blog text is terrific!

Here's to "settling".

Tim Bye said...

great pic!

Ron Jensen said...

Shane, looking for a prince should be on the bottum of your list of things to do. Bellow kissing frogs even. Nice job on the cartoon.

Anonymous said...

The frog looks pretty exhausted to me. Rather than kissing frogs how about having fun and not worry too much about it. People go looking at the wrong places anyway. THE Prince for you is always where you least expect him to appear. Good luck

Michelle Lana said...

Hehehe....Great one!

xenos said...

Shane- always enjoy your takes on IF's.

pati said...

This is so cool, I love the way you illustrated the topic, Shane :)

BTW, he's cute ;)

Happy Easter! :)

Tony Sarrecchia said...

The frog is just too cool. Great job.

mcscrub said...

great work yet again keep bringing on the smiles

Unknown said...

Hahah! What's worse than seeing a beautiful girl with ...well, a frog is seeing how completely uninterested that frog is in her. Hehehe. Great drawing!

Andrew Thornton said...

Very fun illustration!

Your commentary is also pretty funny.

And I think your frog is just playing super mellow and cool. I hear that if you pretend you're not interested, it excites the interest of your intended object of affection. That has never worked for me, but maybe that works for our froggy friend!


Nice job, looks good

Brine Blank said...

That's just funny...great expression on the gal and the frog rules...nice...

siukwankitchen said...

Funny! Poor frog! Haaa

Are You Hung Up? said...
