Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Classic Pinocchio

As hard as it is to believe, this is not a Pinocchio screen cap. Then I must have held a piece of paper up to my TV screen and traced it... right? Wrong. As "on model" as this sketch is, from Gideon's slight backward lean to the photo-real perspective of the book, you'll be amazed to learn that I actually drew this when I was a kid. No, really! Or possibly when I was in college.

I was going through some old boxes recently and found this drawing with a handfull of other priceless gems. The only thing I don't like about this drawing is that it made me realize how little I've improved. I've always loved Pinocchio... still my favorite movie. I'll post more of these "classic" drawings in the future.


  1. This is the cutest little drawing ever! I can just see little Shane sitting down with his colored pencils and copy paper - I bet you were so proud of this when you did it.

  2. Come on that is obviously a frame from the movie. Its so cool to see other artists work from when they were kids.

  3. It's nice to know that I still can't draw as well as you did as a kid. I guess it's time to go draw another bloody stick-figure scene for my psychiatrist to analyze.

  4. i just realized that i don't visit your blog like i do others. usually i'm admiring line work and wondering what project their latest sketch came from. but here i purposely visit knowing i'll see something funny paired with some hilarious rant. i visit your blog like i read the comics on sunday morning and i am never dissapointed ... with your blog that is. this isn't even a blog. its an interactive comic strip and i love it. i've said it before but i hope to see your humour on the big screen someday. keep er coming.


  5. BTW, i certainly didn't mean that i don't love your art. its fantastic. but you've got that combo like CALVIN and HOBBES. great drawing. great writing. cheers

  6. you can totally see the love in this pic shane! I really miss that feelin you got when you were drawing as a kid. Unbridled fun...sigh...

    Thanks for sharing. Most awesome!

  7. Always amazing. What skillz! I'm not sure what they are standing on. Is it clouds, cotton candy or shag carpet?

  8. This is so great, Shane. You really HAVE liked Pinochio your whole life! Do you know about how old you were when you drew this? I'm impressed. Especially with Gideon. I'm glad you saved it.

  9. You should draw like this more often Shane. Don't listen to me, I like your new stuff just as much-- only in a more aesthetic way. It's fun looking back at your older stuff. You were amazing then too Shane. So you were what, 3 when you drew this?

  10. impressive..the line quality is , well, it cant be put into words....

    ... i really enjoy the "jack-o-brains", not because of the pumpkin pie , but because, its clever..thats abooot it ey

  11. no you definitely haven't improved at all. In fact you may be worse now. ;)

    New stuff looks awesome man. Thanks for wishing us Canadians a happy thanksgiving too...much appreciated!

  12. Tegningen er meget godt, Shane. Jeg kan godt se at du havde talenten da du var dreng. Jack-o-brains er meget flot og klog.

  13. Wow, that's totally awesome. I especially like the perspective and the texture on the ground? ;)
    Ah old drawings...I love 'em :D

  14. Haha this is awesome. Nice work on the last couple posts!
