Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sketches Again

Here we go... diving a little deeper into the stack of sketches I found by my desk last week. I still like the idea of "The Bearded Womanatee" as a circus freak, but that quick sketch was all I did before deciding on The Headless-Horse Man instead. I need to get back to drawing manatees soon... they're fun to draw because they have no detectable skeletal structure, and the uglier the drawing, the closer it is to "accurate."

Of these 7 characters, five of them have the same mouth. Sometimes I marvel at my artistic range. Let's just assume that it's depressing to not be a dog.


  1. Another wonderful page, sir. I love how apathetic the aardvark looks. Perhaps he is saving parade seats for the rest of his family. Also, the womanatee appears to be wearing some sort of sports bra. Is this what they buy with the ticket money from SeaWorld? Dang!

  2. hahah good point out adrian! I laffed even louder when I saw this.

    Your designs are immaculate shane. I envy your ability to draw animals, the appeal of your characters, and your creativity to tell stories.

    Just outta curiosity have you done a book ( or thought about )?

  3. I haven't done a book, but I have several stories that I've already written that just need to be illustrated and assembled. I wrote an animation script with one of my friends a while back, too. I'll have a book at some point, and I'll be sure to let you know.

    I have 13 years worth of journals... does that count?

    Thanks for the comments, guys. I always love comments!

  4. I love the moose. I can almost see his legs shaking. Funny.

  5. That bearded manatee with breasts is more disturbing than anything i've ever drawn...

    Way to go!

  6. That Aardvark kills! Good job.

  7. terrific blog with great drawings all over, i love the fluid style of your drawings, I really enjoy looking at the animation style of drawing. i need more practice...

  8. These charater designs are Overwhelmingly cool!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Awesome designs. Your characters are stock full of personality. If I were an animator I'd animate them immediately, but I am not so perhaps I will just trace over them with my finger.

  11. yeh man, loving these sketches!! esp mr aardvark and the topmost dog. very cool! great expressions too

  12. Shane, you've got a great style! I'm often trying to break out of my own range, but don't succeed as often as I try. Great sketches, sir.

  13. That's a great page Shane!!
    I love these guys!! You draw animals really well. You probably know that already but Claire Wendling is also amazing with animals. Take a look at her stuff if you don't know her. You'll probably like it.

  14. HAHA! I love that anteater! His enthusiasm, or lack thereof is precious:) Great stuff as always, man. Always a treat to see your work.

  15. Ha! I haven't even looked at the pictures yet, because I'm still laughing at the idea of a Bearded Womanatee. OK, I'm going to go look at them now. You're funny Shane. -brett

  16. The native american chief is awesome. I want to see him in a cartoon. I want to see all of these in the same cartoon. DO IT! -also brett

  17. Great sketches man!

  18. Good stuff, man. That "S.T." Bernard in the top corner is especially great.

  19. that indian iss...ummm ..guuuuddd!!! i really like these characters, you are sooooo diverse

  20. ooh, love the chief. great drawings

  21. Awesome as ever Shane. So this is what your work looks like without color? It's terrific too! Post more so I can learn how to draw.
