Monday, September 18, 2006

Kevin Watermelonrind

Last week's Toon Club topic was "Tall Tales." I spent most of the week going to Disneyland, so I had to rush to get mine done last night. I had a few ideas for a scene that included Kevin Watermelonrind AND Johnny Appleseed, but there wasn't time for that, so all you get is Kevin... standing boringly alone. If watermelon rind yielded watermelon when planted, perhaps Kevin would have been a pioneer and American legend like Johnny Appleseed. Because it doesn't, Kevin Watermelonrind is a buffoon. At least he tried to plant something... which is more than I've ever done.


  1. hahahahah I love his watermelon vest and hat ensemble!!! I also love the bitter look on his face from not becoming as historical as his farming counterpart...

    much goodness again Shane!

  2. Does that sack he is carrying have one handle or two? He obviously doesn't get around too much. Boots suck to walk in, and he looks a little overweight.
    I do like the mono-stache.
    Nice work Shane and thanks for stopping by.

  3. Wow, he is so full of personality with such simple strokes. GReat stuff on your blog.

  4. Pretty darn good drawin'. There ain't nothin' finer than your rind.

  5. Shane, that watermelon vest is classic. He's really going all out eh? i don't think Johnny Appleseed ever put that much thought into his outfit. It all came too easily for him didn't it?

    Nice work on this one by the way.

  6. haha, man this is great. he looks like he'll chew me out if I don't take the water melon from his hand and eat it so he can see.

  7. HarHar! That watermelon vest/helmet combo is brilliant!

  8. LOL that's funny, great character!

  9. Classic. I want a vest like that. You should do a drawing of appleseed and watermelonrind facing off in a duel.

  10. I love this character he is so funny! The vest is my favorite, I especially love that it's square!
