Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Being Too Safe

I've heard it said that "you can never be too safe." What about this kid? He's waiting for a bus. He's so "safe" that the other kids will most likely beat him up... and if they don't, I will, because he totally deserves it. Nice oven mitts, safety boy!


  1. Hehee..cute little guy! great!

  2. Charming, disturbing, and well drawn... All at the same time. I don't think it's funny though. It reminds me too much of myself to be funny. I love that he's so padded and still has that look of horror on his face. What does he see off camera that we don't? Maybe he's watching a monkey puppet show.

  3. Your illustration is cute. Your comments are scary. Does it make you feel better to beat up little kids?

  4. I've actually never beat up a little kid... not even when I was a little kid. I've never hit anyone or anything... but if a cartoon kid like this shows up at the bus stop... well, look out, that streak!

  5. heheh when life breaks you off a chunk its easy to get in this mode. I dont blame him.

    I usually have steel tip boots on and a mouth piece..

  6. Shane!
    I'm always amazed by how you capture the facial expressions so well with just a few lines!
    I love your work.
    Keep posting!

  7. oh mi! I have been known to dress my child like this!

  8. Oh, this is too funny man. Swell work!

  9. You have some very nice designs on this sight, lad.

  10. Superb. The look on his face reads well that he has had his keister kisked a few times too many.

  11. By kisked I meant kisked with a boot not kisked with the lips.

  12. It's kids like this who get into High School start lifting weights and taking Judo classes, and go to bars to beat up the guys who used to pick on them. I know from my own experience.

    Okay, the truth is I've never been in a fight in my life-- I was always afraid I'd crush somebody to powder, by accident, and end up living on Alcatraz Island. Love the mitts!

  13. Shane, you forgot the mouth guard, and plastic bubble for viruses.

  14. haha brilliant. Sounds like me as a kid

  15. Hmmm... I wore a life jacke to school and nobody ever came close to me. Must work.

    Great illo!

  16. Grt illo. U r sv fny. H! I lk d ggs.

  17. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

  18. You make me laugh, love Mom.

  19. Haha, he does deserve a beating. This is a great drawing, Shane.

  20. I know what you mean Shane, as soon as I saw this, I wanted to punch him. He's so asking for it.

    Great stuff lately, keep it up!

  21. Great idea, way to capture the "you can never be too safe" approach to live. Great character!

  22. That's so sad! You kow it's his mom's fault ~ come here son, I'll hold you! ;)
