Saturday, August 26, 2006

Run Through the Forest! RUN!

You may remember this raccoon from a drawing that I posted in July. His design is the best of the four of them, and that's because I didn't design him. My good bud Seth Hippen did... and I stole it! I forgot to give Seth credit then, so I decided I better mention it now and remind you all to go check out Seth's blog. He's incredible... an amazing artist, and about the nicest person I've ever met. Yeah, that's right... even nicer than YOU. Three cheers for Seth! Thanks for letting me steal your beautiful designs, Seth... and not complaining when I dumb them down to match my level of drawing ability. Hippen, Hippen - hooray!


  1. I was going to leave a nice, friendly comment about this drawing, then you just had to keep going on and on about how Seth is nicer than me. That really stings. (The truth often does.) Did you ever consider that Seth's nicer than you, too? Za-zing!

    Part of being a great team is taking someone's best work and adding your personal flair to it, and I think that's coming through in spades here. You have such a talent for drawing appealing characters. Keep up the excellent work, my friend. You inspire me to take my own art to higher and higher levels.

  2. I'm nice. Most people just don't realize it, because I call them names. But really, deep down... I... who am I kidding?

  3. Cute! Looks like a cell from a Don Bluth animation.

  4. I am always amazed at the caliber of artists that participate on IF. Fantastic as always!

  5. This is a super strong design and pose, Shane. You continue to amaze me.

  6. Another great piece!! love your characters..

  7. haha this is great

    man, your blog makes me laugh everytime...

  8. whoooo hooo go seth!! I will agree a much nicer soul than I....sigh but will continue to try my best everyday.

    hehe very cool with the shout out to seth. I think that gives you redemption... I may be wrong though

  9. Shane, if your drawings are dumbed down, mine are, let's face it, brain dead and lying face down in a deep well. Your characters are always lively and full of delightful expression and great body language. I need to spend more time studying your work, and applying what I learn to my own work.

    I think both Seth's and your own illustrations are extraordinary unto themselves, no comparisons between your works is nessisary. It was great of you to give him credit for his designs. You're a good man.

  10. Hi Shane! Thanks for the plug and all those nice things you said. Sheesh! You've always done amazing work, so I'm flattered beyond words. Thanks, man!

  11. 'Eh there. He looks scared of his shadow. Good one. I dig that couch post too. That's how we are with our furniture. If it doesn't nearly suffocate you, it doesn't belong anywhere near my home. Keep up the good stuff.

  12. I'm still waiting for my apology...

