Tuesday, August 29, 2006

How Was it Cancelled?

Okay, so no... this isn't a drawing. But I wanted to point out that the third and final season of Arrested Development went on sale today. If you want to buy it... sorry, you're too late. We went to Target to buy it tonight, and it was already sold out. So we went to Best Buy... sold out there too. What? A show that got cancelled due to lack of interest was sold out on the day of its release in multiple stores? How did that happen? A better question: Why did they cancel the best show ever? Man, I miss it. If you've never seen it, you may want to look into what character flaw of yours has caused this shortcoming.

I spent too much time tracking down my "Season 3" to draw anything tonight, but if you want to see some Arrested-based paintings, here's a link to my friend's portfolio: Blake Loosli. He did these a couple of years ago... they're great. I also love the "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" one. So enjoy his site for now, and check back here soon... more drawings and pointless commentary are on the way.


  1. Arrested Development was, indeed, the best show ever. Luckily I preordered season 3 because they also sold out at the store I got it from. I'm constantly meeting people who love this show. I have yet to meet anyone who likes Three and a Half Men, the supposed ratings king of sitcoms right now. I don't get it. I guess some things are too good to last.

    No wait, sorry, I mean Arrested Development. I love Arrested Development, and I appreciate your drawing attention to the lack of intelligent entertainment in our society.
    Boycott Fox!

  3. I agree with you whole hearty on it. As sad as it was to see it go they did a pro job of wrappin it up.

    Not good hearing they were sold out...sigh

  4. The saddest part is that there will NEVER be a series like Arrested Development again...

    I've been having trouble finding it, too. I finally ordered it from Amazon. It'll probably sell out there, too. Well, they brought Family Guy back based on DVD sales, and this was WAY better than Family Guy.

  5. Okay... i think you might be able to get it at borders books in provo... that's where some friends of ours bought it for my husbands birthday... let me tell you how excited we were to get it... so excited that we watched the third season... all in ONE DAY. yes... we were the ultimate couch potatoes and for Arrested Development... it's SO worth it. my all time favorite show...indeed.

  6. "Oh Arrested Development, how I yearn for thee. Where hast thou gone........ to?"

  7. Blake's stuff was really cool. Oh, you're drawing of the "Arrested" cover is good too.

