Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Slue-Foot Sue

Ah, yes... my very first cartoon crush. Just to clarify, my crush was on the lovely, red-headed Slue-Foot Sue from Pecos Bill... not her fish. Although I guess he's kind of attractive too if that's your type. A giant fish seems an odd form of transportation for someone who lives in the desert... or any sized fish for that matter. Maybe Sue's not all there upstairs. It hardly matters to me.


  1. Alright you've inspired me. I made a nostalgic reproduction of one of the most amazing cartoon crushes I ever had as a kid. It kind of dates me, but do you remember this one? Check her out!

  2. That fish had better watch where he's going. He's got an eyefull, but not of the road.

  3. Well, your counter finally passed mine. I guess I know which of your posts pushed you ahead.

    Well done!

  4. Great Job! Seems the fish also has a crush!

  5. At least your cartoon crush is still alive... Sadly, mine was killed off by the original Green Goblin in the Spider Man comic books. Poor Gwen Stacy... I really miss those awesome go-go boots she used to wear! This is a great illo!!

  6. She's OK... but she is NO Jessica Rabbit! :o)

    I really like the complimentary green sky and the cool clouds in the background.

  7. Wow! I love this one ;)

  8. I rememeber loveling that cartoon asa kid. Fun peice.

  9. Cartoon crush? Where have I been? Excellent illo!

  10. this is so cool looking......nicely done
