Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Too Much Love

Have you noticed how much we've cheapened the meaning of the word "love" by overusing it? I use that word to describe everything from my affection for my wife to how much I enjoy taking naps, not mowing the lawn, and involving myself in other inactivity-based activities. Considering the lengthy list of things I claim to love, it is clear that I am doing my part to additionally minimize the word's already tattered meaning.

Because "love" hardly means anything on its own at this point, people frequently include additional phrasing to emphasize the difference between the things they truly adore and the things they merely enjoy, such as, "I love it to death," or, "I love it more than words can say." Well, I propose we all start trampling the meaning of these phrases too... mostly because I want to find out how people will say that they really love something when even these expressions have become meaningless. I offer the following suggestions... please use these phrases and others like them as frequently as possible:

"I love my new TV with all of my heart."
"I love sleeping in to death."
"I love barbecue chicken pizza like it's my brother."

Where will they go from here? I can't wait to find out. I love where this is going like my life depends on it! Happy Valentine's Day, y'all!


  1. I love this post to death.

  2. I love that you love bbq chicken pizza like a brother more than words could say!

  3. I love this post with every fiber of my being!

  4. I think that big lion is gonna make a barbecue chicken pizza out of that little lion...but with lion instead of chicken.

  5. I've started using other similar words that are a bit more contextual, my fave of late being "adore." Adoring pizza sounds kinda weird. Although I adore that lion pic. :)

  6. Hi, happy valentine's day! I follow your blog since long time. But now I decided improve my blog and I put your link in the list "I like it" your work is very inspiring!!

  7. note: not in the "I love it to pieces" list.

  8. you should make an Olympic drawing or jug band... that would be funny. Just an idea....

  9. I couldn't love this post any more! It has got me giggling:)

  10. "I love you like a fat kid loves cake." Personal favorite.

