Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Polar Bears

According to Wikipedia, "the U.S. Geological Survey predicts two-thirds of the world's polar bears will disappear by 2050." Are you kidding me? Buy yourselves some heat-sensing goggles, everybody! Those things will be our only hope of surviving in a world where invisible polar bears roam free.


  1. Regardless of the repercussions that are sure to follow from P.E.T.A.
    I'm glad you said it first ;)

  2. Love the expression and style! Great work!

  3. It's a good thing that you're on top of these important global issues. Up until I read this I was totally oblivious to the impending threat of invisible polar bears!
    Your work is brilliant, as always!

  4. Hi, your art is great! Would you take a request?


  5. :o)) Great Idea - AGAIN! But: As far as I know bears can smell better than they see. They are said to be almost blind. I hope, there will be an inexpensive anti-bear-shower-gel someday, that will make US disappear as well :o) Bye and a merry xmas to you and your family.

  6. Thanks for the comments, L.D., Ken, Wahzill, Jacob, Croquisman, Anonymous, and Michael. (These are great names for a posse... let's ride!)

    I've come up with a possible substitute for heat-sensory goggles... and that's a "bullet screen." Not even invisible things can attack you if you're constantly shooting a gun in all directions. It's worth considering if you can't afford heat-sensing goggles and don't mind inadvertently killing lots of stuff all the time.

    Wendy - I guess it depends on whether I can play that song or not. And, Michael, your "anti-bear-shower-gel" idea is GOLD! I'm on it.

  7. Well mr Lewis, let me tell you my request and then you can decide if you like it or not. :D First thing first, I must tell you that I've seen your "Jungle book" picture at Toon Club blog (from 2006) and I think it's great. I love Jungle book, but if I could make my own ending, Shere Khan would be eaten by a crocodile. So that's my request - a picture or cartoon of a croc that eats evil Shere Khan. Now it's up to you to decide if you like this "song" or not :)

    In any case,keep up the good work and enjoy your holiday!


  8. Har, har! There's nothing like a good joke...

  9. seth, I was gonna use the word har. never mind shane.

  10. LMBO!!!

    Thanks for the smile :)

  11. You make me chortle. So much for free agency.

  12. haha, sounds like an interesting request, Wendy. I hope Lewis will go for it ;)
