Monday, September 15, 2008

Health vs. Happiness

If you're like me, sometimes after finishing a particularly large meal you think, "I should have stopped four burgers ago." I recently overate like that... every day... for seven years. "All You Can Eat" wasn't a buffet offer - it was my daily goal. I had decided that if I was alive enough to breathe, I was alive enough to keep eating.

Not long ago, I was understandably shocked to learn that a few elitist, medical know-it-alls consider that kind of lifestyle "unhealthy." So I gave up delicious, joy-inducing food in favor of boring salads and a longer life, and in six weeks I've lost about 30 pounds. Why did I have to make a decision between health and happiness? I guess that losing all that excess weight makes me reasonably happy... but sometimes it seems like a half-pound bacon cheeseburger would make me even happier.

Isn't there a weight-loss pie or brownie of some kind? If there is, please let me know. I could be healthy and happy in the next couple of hours at the rate I can eat those things.


  1. Wendy's grilled wraps. they're fairly healthy, and SO very delicious.
    I worked at Wendy's and after a month of weekend hours I gained five pounds, then I started getting the wraps. One fills me up, and I quickly lost those pounds. and then another five. Now I go to college and I miss those 1.50 delicious fill-me-ups.
    But get the grilled ones because the Spicy and Homestyle are deep fried chicken.

  2. 30 pounds in 6 weeks? You lost my 3 year old...well, mostly. It's like you were caring my son around with you everywhere you went. I wonder if you could sneak him into Disneyland if we put him under your shirt...

    Way to go've inspired me to start thinking about being healthier...and while I do, I'll enjoy those burgers with a twinge of guilt...but a happy guilt knowing that you're outside looking in with some crazy eyebrows!

  3. I've recently lost a little weight just by cutting down my portions. It might take me a little longer than if I were to cut out bread and sugar..but I love food. So, I've just been watching my intake (calories and such) and I feel better already. I don't think we should have to take out pie and brownies..they're so good! Just don't eat that whole pint of ice cream or half the cake and you should be ok. I sympathize though, my family went on the South Beach diet when I was still living at home and it was very hard, but it worked so well! I think the point of a diet should be to help you learn a better eating habit. For life. Not just until you get down to your target weight. Anyhoo, I'll stop rambling! Good luck!:)

  4. the picture up there is perfection.
    So..I think the sad truth is that you just have to get used to eating veggie burgers and such. They really do taste pretty delicious once you get used to it. I hear thats how worms taste after you get used to them tho too...hmmm

  5. Hehe. I totally relate to this food makes me happier than being skinny thing. But way to go and lose 30 lbs. Most impressive.

    btw I just got your postcard and it totally made my day. I think you're pretty much amazing so it's nice to have piece of you on my fridge. And yes I was addicted to the olympics. Hooray for amazing athletes on undetectable steroids! My current girly obsession is Project Runway.

    Anyway. Thanks for being inspiring and funny and artistic.

    Phew... I'll stop talking now.

  6. Well, I could always pass on my brownie recipe that has spinach puree in it (I got it from that cookbook written by Jerry Seinfeld's wife). I mean, they're okay, but the whole time I eat one I wonder who I'm kidding. Spinach was never meant to coexist with chocolate...unfortunately.

  7. You know, I have a Healthy Cooking Blog and I love trying to make things healthier but I'm sorry, NOTHING will replace the junk food in it's true form! I feel sort of like I'm betraying my readers by saying this but unfortunately it's true. So, eat those guilty pleasures, just maybe not like your on a dare and you'll be just fine. It's pretty sad when cartoon fries look about as good as the real ones, they sure look edible enough. Congratulations on the 30 lbs, that isn't easy to achieve :)

  8. Fat, sugar, and chocolate are the sources of joy and happiness. Therefore, healthy foods can never make you happy. Sorry for breaking the bad new so brutally. But there you go.

    I'm kidding. I'm justifying my lifestyle. So don't listen to me. Thanks for asking though.

  9. Good job! That's impressive!

    I don't have much advice 'cause...I think it's pretty enjoyable to eat healthy. It's like a cooking adventure! Trying to get food delicious and nutritious via different combinations of spices, veggies, sauces etc.

    But good luck in your pursuit of happiness!

  10. I suggest a few things- Yoplait yogurt line has a bunch of dessert-tasting things that may help curb the craving, and I also suggest eating Indian or Thai food. It typically is fairly healthy and tastes AWESOME, and if you have a good restaurant in town that serves these, you're set. If you're ever up in Logan, UT, drop by Kamin Thai Cuisine or The Indian Oven (at night, not lunch). They're excellent

  11. Ewwwww! That Jerry Seinfeld's wife cookbokk thingy is of the Devil! My wife got one and me and my kids can ALWAYS tell when she's slipped something in. Cauliflower in your scrambled eggs? Just ain't right. Nice work as always Shane on both the art and the weight loss!

  12. I can eat anything I want and never worry about portion size -and I never gain an ounce.

    ...I hope this helps.

  13. Joking aside, your weight-loss has been very inspiring to me. Makes me wish I had at least once latched onto one of your cute cheeks and given it a grandma sort of shake. Alas, your cheeks are gone now and my awkward opportunity is lost forever.

    I LOVE the burger guy drawing...and burgers.

  14. Great job! Also thanks for the Postcard!

  15. Thanks for making me crave a double western bacon cheese burger, Shane. Just what i need, another carb-infested, grease dripping, pimple producing tasty morsel to salivate and long for. mmmm :) oh, and thanks for the postcard!

  16. Good for you.

    By the way the guy eating the burger seams to have been so into his burger he ate a finger off from both of his hands. Either that or you have evolved past people that eat in fast food places with your five fingers.

    In any case love the pic.

  17. You mean there is no way around it? I've actually got to eat healthier to BE healthier??? Ugh. My dreams are crushed.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I've got one tip for weight loss,...depression! For me each failed relationship equals roughly two pants sizes! Seeing one's toes again always brings joy to a wounded heart! Married?, just lose the deed to your house on internet gambling and you'll be golden! Actually I just dropped by to say your work is very appealing and I've been watching your blog for a few months now. What is your artistic background?? WORD YO

  20. This is probably not a pole, but I’m going to vote for happiness. I don’t know what all this propaganda is going about on ads and TV telling us that we need to be skinny and their version of healthy. In history it used to be considered awesome to be overweight.

    They say you could lose a couple years off your life not living healthily, but lets look at things in a different light: I’m no mathematician, but I theoretically believe that all the exercise I would have to do, and vegetable dishes I would have to prepare and choke down could very well add up to a couple years of my life. So if you die a couple years earlier due to bad eating habbits and no exercise, by my theory, you have successfully avoid up to 2 to 3 years worth of painful experiences in your life.

    Anyway, thanks for cheering us all up with your comic art.

  21. Hello, I'm a new fan. I wouldn't be commenting, except I think I can help you with this one. I am not young, I have three kids (all were c-sections.)I eat whatever I want as much as I want and stay about a size 4. The secret: find exercise that you LOVE, then do it a lot. Key point: about two weeks in, if it still feels like work and you hate it, you probably picked wrong. Lifting weights is probably one of the best things you could do, if you can enjoy it. People who build muscle burn fat 24/7, even in their sleep. Plus you're a man, that's a bonus in keeping weight off. Good luck from this stranger.

  22. Hey Shane this is a super piccy !!!

  23. This picture makes me hungry.

  24. hahahahaha. This is a great one!!:)

  25. The real problem... People staring at me through the window while I'm trying to enjoy my cheeseburger. Creeps me out!

    Thanks for the laugh!

  26. I reckon not indulging in all those fast foods would reap long term happiness through good health, rather than short term happiness (or pleasure) through eatin tasty fastfood!

    Maybe you can treat yourself once a week eh?

    Super post...

  27. great that you lose 30 pounds!! hope you continue losing weith!

  28. weight loss is for tools!! say.... you're not a tool are you??

    anyways, just wanted to stop by and say hi! i was in your intro to animation class a few semesters back!

  29. Great illustration! I am just starting a diet as I need to loose 40lbs and watch my health/blood pressure, .....getting old sucks!

  30. I'm both now... hungry and thirsty. Cheers Shane!

  31. Oh my crud..this drawing AND entry are definitely officially in the SHANE LEWIS TOP 10 in my book. Hilarious. I think the reason why I found it especially funny is because I have been going through the same thing lately. This drawing is so funny.....the LONGING in your eyes for that burger. HILARIOUS and ALL TOO FAMILIAR to me. LOL! Love it! looked great at the reunion....sacrificing the burgers has done ya good!

  32. I love it. I can't believe you dropped that much weight so fast. I hope you're loving it.

  33. This is gut-wrenchingly sad (forgive the unintended, but good pun). I was thinking the same thing about Gin & Tonic and pretzels the other day. I'd like to shift ten pounds; that's a lot of Gin.

  34. Aww. I really like how you drew it out! I feel the pain brother. Though I still haven't been able to shed one tenth of a pound! And now that you have lost so much weight, I say grab the half pound bacon burger and get set!

  35. Great illustration! At least the burger eater is a chubster. It's when I see skinny minnies in a fast food place I feel life is unfair!

  36. Awesome always! Admirable work.

  37. great pic & congrats on the lifestyle cahnge

  38. AnonymousJune 09, 2009

    Kudos. Do you do like I do and eat while your designing at the computer. It gets me in trouble. Awesome illustration by the way.

  39. um, french fries equal happiness, don't they? but health, blurg. that's a tough one. ok, so


    no wait. french fries.

    no, health.



    awesome awesome illio, shane! i love his HUGE WELL LIT MOUTH!

  40. hamburger are the gateway food. MMMmmmm, burgers. now i want one dangit. thanks a lot shane...
