Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So Much Work

There are only a few things that are keeping this picture from being a live video feed of the past few weeks of my life: I'm not this thin, I'm not a hastily sketched cartoon character, I haven't been this happy or energetic in a while, and since 1975 I've been presented in full color. Aside from those minor discrepancies, this is pretty much "me" for the last little while... and sadly it's going to continue to be me for a couple more weeks. Consider everything you've done this summer... maybe you traveled, went for a swim, mowed the lawn, read a book, or even took a short nap. Whatever you did... while you were doing it, I looked like this. It would probably be depressing if I had time to think about it.

When this project is done and "free time" is reintroduced into my life, I'm going to get back to regularly posting on my blog. Sorry it's been so boring around here lately. In case you hadn't noticed, this isn't the best post ever. I just wanted you all to know that I'm not dead yet, and I certainly haven't outgrown blogging. I will return... I just need to stare at this monitor a little while longer. Man, this is so much better than vacations or sleep! Happy Shark Week, everyone!


  1. Sorry to hear you've been so bogged down with work. Hope you get some relief and can get out and have some FUN!!! We've missed your updates, but summer is a busy time for everyone. K..crazy thing about Shark Week. I am constantly amazed by the random people I encounter that are into this. Last night, out with my girlfriends, found out that two of them are DIEHARD 'Shark Week-ers.' Bizarre. Shark Week does nothing for me.

  2. That sucks. I know the feeling. This is one of the more "normal" summers I've had in awhile. Hang in there!

  3. I've been waiting for a Shark Week reference - thanks for not letting me down.

  4. I just stumbled onto your blog today, so, to me, everything's new! Wahoo! I love your work (I am officially jealous of you... in a good way).

  5. Thanks for posting, in spite of your crazy schedule. Good luck man!

  6. You're certainly not missing much on shark week. I looked for new documentaries and was disappointed that they were simply replaying the 2006 shark week. There was nothing new on all week other than the second Mythbusters Jaws special (which is worth watching). I don't remember there being a shark week in 2007, either.

    Man, what is up with a cable station that's willing to spend millions on a gamble producing shows like "Ice Road Truckers" and "Smash Lab" (which are bombs in my opinion), but won't throw some cash down on a few new docs for a proven money-maker like shark week?

    By the way, the new Mythbusters and Man Vs Wild seasons start on Wednesday, so do what you can to get out of your poorly-lit work space soon!

  7. youch! Sounds like you've been busy too. I know the feeling, things for me have been very similar. Best to get out and enjoy the what you can of the summer while it lasts especially for those of us who don't live in California or Florida...or Hawaii.

  8. there there now. pat pat* click click*

  9. HILARIOUS!!!!! Thank you

  10. I feel for ya mate! all the best, hope you get some free time soon!

  11. Hey Shane, Holy cow I can't believe the fun things you do, I love it I want a shirt or something. I will check out your other site, I think I can order of it, right?? Keep up the good work, Mandi Shaheen Brown

  12. im loving your work keep it up

    hope to hear from you!
    Monika ♥

  13. Hi! I happen to stumble on your blog today. It was hard to pick which post to comment on, but since this is how I currently feel, I'll write on this one :) You have great work and a great sense of style and give life and movement to your characters. Thought you should know that!..although, you probably already know that ;)

    Keep it up!
