Sunday, March 09, 2008


This is a donkey... as are most of the people I share the road with during my daily commute. I should like to address these folks at this time. My not-so-bright friends... it is okay to be passed. If you only want to go 55 on the freeway, that's fine. Just get to the right lane, and go your 55. Don't go 55 in the left lane and jump to 90 when someone tries to pass you. Doing that makes you the kind of donkey whose first name is "Jack." Choose a speed and stay with it, and if you're not passing anyone, get to the right. Remember... if you're not stuck in traffic, you're causing it.

I drew this a few weeks ago for some local people who wanted to update the logo on their website. There's more to it than you see here, but the donkey was my favorite part... so that's all you get. You'll have to go to their website to see the whole thing.


  1. OH MAN, I hate those people.

    There are these roads in Florida that are only one lane in each direction thru the swamps and plains and forests, but every few miles they open to two lanes as a passing zone ... I got stuck behind this person once who was going literally like 40 mph along the single lane stretches, but as soon as they hit the passing zones they'd zip up to 75+ so you didn't have time to accelerate and pass before it narrowed to one lane again, at which point they'd slow down.

    I couldn't believe it. I so wanted to throttle them.

    Awesome donkey. :D

  2. I totally agree with you and so does Eric. He likes to use that "donkey" word once in a while and I'm afraid Megan might start using it too.

  3. Yup, that's the main cause of my road rage too. That & those people who leave their blinkers on... grrr.

    Great donkey, and cute logo as a whole!

  4. It think that's why I didn't enjoy BYU, I was too annoyed after driving 45 minutes with those Jackasses. Point of the mountain to PG was the worst.

  5. Those are some fine looking boards you have on your last post

  6. Hello, post for us how do you construct a cartoon horse, for me it´s complicated.

    Help with that, thanks and by the way beautiful illustration.

  7. i cant drive....55!!!

    I think there should be a donkey hunt when we do lunch. Let me know

    Great post sir. I miss seein you bastards

  8. Schöne Grüsse aus Hamburg!!!! LOVE the donkey....and the entire logo is really classic and very fitting for the client you drew it for. Again.....AWESOME work!!! Hope all is well and I will eat some awesome German food for ya while I am here!!

  9. That's a good looking donkey.

  10. I'm happy to say that clicking on the link was well worth it... Warped, yet wonderful! Brave color choices... Me likey!

  11. I like the donkey a lot and the website seems pretty entertaining. As for things I don't understand... Why do trucks (not semi's) feel the absolute need to ride everyones tail even when they are going 75 in the right lane?

  12. I am behind you al lthe way!

    I recently make a road trip from ornage Count, CA to Scottsdale, AZ and ran accross several of those 'donkeys'!!!

  13. I have a crush on his eyebrows alone, let alone colors and teeth.

  14. I like your Donkey, pretty nice!

  15. How about a T-shirt with that donkey on it? Do you have one to sell? If not is it OK if I make one for myself (to wear, not to sell)? Great donkey! Thanks.
