Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Some Storyboards

Here are some storyboards I did a few weeks ago for a project I'd like to see made into a film someday... inspired by character designs that my good bud Seth Hippen did when we were in college. These boards aren't in order, and about ninety percent of the sequence is missing, so don't feel too bad if the story doesn't make any sense to you. That certainly doesn't mean you're dumb... though you still might be.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and even more thanks to those of you who leave comments. Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. Happy New Year! Best wishes for 2008 :D

    And im making up my own story to these awesome drawings mate - i love that big bear

  2. You've done an amazing job with the sequence, Shane. You've got a way with yarn spinning that makes me proud to know you.

  3. I LOVE your stuff Shane...really inspring. One day......you shall have to teach me when I get back to AV.

  4. Utterly fab as always. I don't doubt for a second that we'll be seeing your name in the credits of a big animated film someday! Not even a question. This is awesome!!!

    BTW....does Seth have any brothers? I knew a "Hippen" at the Y. Are they from Heber-ish? I can't remember exactly. It's been a while, but I would recognize his name if I heard it!

  5. Happy new year!
    And congrats on the little one! Fun time ahead! I have 3 girls and let me tell you its quite a ride.. I am not looking forward to the future boyfriends...

    Fantastic boards! I would love to see more. I always liked your sense of storytelling in your drawings.. it would be a blast to see more boards!

  6. I know you don't know me..I work with your wife. I just wanted to say you have an amazing talent! Your work is really good, and you're hilarious. It made me start thinking about Disney movies and my childhood. The other day I was talking to my sister about it and she brought to my attention that every Disney Princess grows up without a mother. I just thought thats kinda odd..I'm not sure if you care but since you work with them maybe you'd know why?

  7. Great work Shane! They look cool in black and white!

  8. Enjoy and love all your work, very inspiring.

  9. Can't wait to see the movie. Love the characters Shane! Happy New Year, and again, congratulations.... she's beautiful.

  10. Wow... Every time I see some of your new boards I am amazed at your staging and the appeal of your designs and poses. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I like these. you should be an artist.

  12. I like your storyboards as well. ^_^ Thanks for posting so much. I am a groupie.

  13. I peeked at these in Loosli's office then got a beating for snooping! Looks fun.
