Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I haven't drawn anything in the last few days, and it's going to be a few more days before I draw again. Last Thursday night we went to the hospital and traded in my wife's mobility for a cute, little girl we named Gwen. Actually my wife and many of the nurses would probably object to my use of the word "little" as she weighed 9 pounds 12 ounces. After only a few days of life, her hobbies are limited to eating, sleeping, pooping, staring at the Christmas tree, and hosting 4AM scream-a-thons. We love her, but we're tired. I'll draw again soon, but until then, here's our new daugther. So far she looks like me but still manages to be cute. It's a Christmas miracle!


  1. A big congrats to you and your wife (mostly your wife - face it, she did all the work!) Wow, 9lbs 12 oz? That's pretty much a giant. But she couldn't be more gorgeous! Congrats!

  2. Congratulations. Every one at work is having babies. It's got to be something in the water, I know it.

  3. Congratulations! Enjoy those 4AM scream-a-thons. They typically don't last forever. That is, unless she develops night terrors. If she does, good luck with that.

  4. Oh wow! congrats! She's a cutie. :)

  5. Yay! Congrats Shane! Looks to be a magnificent, if sleepy, Christmas around your way!

  6. The picture turned our beautiful. It probably helps that she's a beautiful baby. We want to come by sometime soon.

  7. Good job you guys. You made one of the cute kinds.

  8. congratulations man i've never left a comment before but i think this is a special event in your life. i hope she always brings a smile to your face like your drawings seem to do to many of our faces. (i'm one of them)

  9. Hooray for Gwen! She made it safe and sound. She's very cute. I'm a firm believer in the idea that for every ounce of cute there's a pound of trouble, so I guess this means you're in for it. I'm so happy for you guys. Good luck and God bless you, every one.

  10. She's going to be lucky to have a fun daddy like you!

  11. Congratulations!! i'm very happy for ya! i've raised a few kids myself so if i can offer you one small piece of advice for the future... laps work way better than appeasement toys ;) great job makin a baby, dude! she's a looker!

  12. Hi Shane!:)
    I'm very happy for you and for your newborn.
    She's so cute!!
    Good Luck for everything.


  13. Wow, congratulations! She's a cutie. I love the way newborns smell. Like snuggles. Mmmm!

  14. Congrats, dude. Love the Frosty picture below! May your little girl grow up to have a mind just as warped as yours.

  15. Big Congrats on the new baby and hope you have a merry Christmas.

  16. Congratulations!
    Longtime lurker. I really enjoy your art.

    We had a 9lb 14oz girl. It really is a miracle.

  17. I can see a bit of Lindy in her! She wieghs as much at birth as my 8week old Kael, but he was about a month early. Tell Lindy good job!!!

  18. Hooray and Congratulations! Welcome to the joys and insanity of parenthood. She looks just like you. I never realized how much you looked like a beautiful little girl. hahaha jk of course. Poor Lindy though. It's hard going through all that work and having your kids not look a stitch like you- believe me I know. :) Kisses from all us.

  19. Lindy and Shane - Congratulations! She's beautiful. How exciting for you both.
    Best wishes on all that you do. Please tell Lindy hello.
    Steve Hardman

  20. Congratulations! We should be having our 1st child in 2 weeks (if she decides to come as scheduled). Can't wait to see drawings of her, cuz I know you'll have to draw her at least once or twice!

  21. well done my friend. and yeah, weird, you but cute.

  22. That's a big baby! Congratulations! I can't wait until you reveal her real name. Gewn is a good alias though.

  23. Super Congrats Shane!!! Way to be a successful baby maker. Good luck with the sleepless nights.

  24. Wow, you have taken a very realistic direction in your artwork, its nice but I prefer the linework of your old style.

  25. OMGOSH SHANE!!! I take a quick leave from checking up ya and I MISSED the birth of your little one! SERIOUSLY...she is absolutely breathtaking. What a proud Daddy you must be!! Hope Mama and Baby are doing well! What an awesome awesome Christmas gift!! Can't wait to see more pics! ;-)

  26. Aaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
